Page 118 of Bite of Desire

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She didn’t move her hands, and I gently grabbed her wrists, pulling them away from her face. Her heart was thrashing, and she must have had lotion on because she smelled…wrong.

“Hey,” I murmured. “I know I’m not the one you want to see, but?—”

I froze when she lifted her eyes to meet mine. Her light brown eyes were full of fear. Of pure terror. It was like she didn’t even recognize me. Rage lined my veins as I stared at her. What did they do to her?

“Are you hurt?” I asked slowly, attempting to control the anger threatening to overtake everything.

She stayed silent. Something else forced its way through my anger, and I studied her, trying to figure it out.

The woman I was looking at was Kali…but she wasn’t. This was all wrong. She was wrong. I couldn’t fucking explain it. But the nagging in my chest wouldn’t let up. My breaths came out fast as I reached out and grabbed her wrist, tugging her to her feet. She let out a cry, one I’d heard many times. It sounded just like her. But it wasn’t.

“Zan, get her and let’s go,” Viggo called from outside the cell.

I didn’t answer, turning her until her back was to me. She tried lunging away when I grabbed the hem of her shirt, but my grip tightened on her arm to hold her in place. My breath caught in my chest when I stared at the skin on her back.

Her bare skin. No ink. No tattoo.

“Let me go,” she pleaded, her voice trembling.

What the fuck was going on? I spun her back around, grabbing her shoulders.

“What’s your name?” I asked roughly.

She bit her lip, staying silent. Lowering my head, I stared into her eyes, attempting to entrance her.

“What’s your name?” I repeated.

Again, she stayed silent, and I let out a snarl in frustration. Then there was a sudden deafening alarm just as Viggo let out a string of curse words. Keeping a grip on her arm, I dragged her out of the cell with me just in time to see Viggo backhand Norman across the face.

“The asshole hit an alarm,” Viggo growled before looking back at Norman. “What the hell did you do that for? We all know you have to let us walk out of here. No one else is supposed to know who we are.”

Norman rubbed his reddened cheek, shooting daggers at Viggo. “No one is supposed to know about her. Especially not fucking vampires.”

“Who is she?” I snapped.

He didn’t respond, and I was a second away from ripping his throat out. The girl I was holding on to was shaking uncontrollably, and I glanced at her, still unable to process that it wasn’t Kali. Because she was identical to her in every fucking way.

Viggo looked at her with a frown. “What did they do to you, Kali?”

“That’s not Kali,” I said in a low voice.

Viggo let out a laugh. “Zan?—”

“It’s not Kali,” I roared, losing control. I had no idea where my girl was, and now I had to figure out why she seemed to have a fucking twin.

Viggo’s eyes widened, confusion sprawled across his face. Before he could say anything, noise drew our attention to the hallway. By the sound of it, it was a small damn army. No way we were going to slip out of here now.

“Shit,” Viggo muttered, coming to the same conclusion. “Now what?”

Military men were barreling into the room with enough weapons to make me more than a little uneasy. There were at least twenty of them, all wearing goggles that made it impossible to entrance. They’d shoot us in the head before we got a chance to run.

“Now, we call a meeting with Amaros,” Norman bit out, gaining a bit of confidence now that he wasn’t alone with us. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to have his sons back. We can make a trade. You two for Kali.”

That wasn’t fucking happening. But I didn’t voice that as the men surrounded us. I wasn’t worried about them killing us. Norman was smart enough to know he couldn’t kill anyone from the Kane family.

“Grab Warner too,” Norman ordered one of his men. “They had an interest in him.”

This entire deal we had with PARA was about to get a whole lot messier. Because I’d kill every last one of them before they got their hands on Kali. My eyes cut to the woman. There was so much more going on than even I knew about. What other fucking secrets didn’t we know?
