Page 21 of Bite of Desire

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He scoffed. “Please. If that were the case, this damn insufferable feeling of guilt wouldn’t be plaguing me. I don’t want to see the loathing in your eyes when you look at me. Do you know what I do want?”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer. But he continued anyway.

“That look you gave me when we were in bed together,” he murmured. “There was no hate in your eyes. Only desire. Need. And something else that I couldn’t quite decipher, but it most definitely wasn’t hatred.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” I said irritably, trying my hardest not to remember our night together.

“I want you to try to be happy here.”

I pushed his hand off me, backing away before he could grab me again. “Are you still planning something with your father? Against humans?”

He went rigid, not responding. But his silence was enough.

“Do you still have humans sitting in cages out there?” I waved my hand toward the front of the club. “Is your plan to overthrow PARA and take control of everything?”

“I can’t tell you about Kane business,” he said sharply. “Stay out of it, Kali.”

“And that’s why I will never be happy here,” I said in a frantic whisper. “I wasn’t trained to fear you or follow you. I don’t want to destroy this world. I wanted to fucking save it. That’s why I joined the Clovers. And no matter what I feel for you, or what happens to me, I’ll never choose vampires over human life. We’re on opposite sides, Zan. You will never change. Neither will I.”

He didn’t stop me when I turned away and stalked down the hall. My heart was pounding against my ribs, and I didn’t look to see if he was following. I bit my tongue, my fleeting hope of him telling me what I wanted to hear betraying me. That he’d stop planning whatever he was doing with his father. But he didn’t. I got to the bar and gave Gia a forced smile before glancing back down the hall.

Zan was nowhere in sight, and I swallowed my disappointment. I picked up the tray that Gia pushed toward me while thinking about the bag of weapons that Tim had told me about.

Chapter 8


Kali’s even breaths proved she was sleeping, but I stayed in the doorway, staring at the blankets she was buried beneath. I’d learned how light of a sleeper she was, and one heavy step would wake her. After I’d let her talk to Tim, I stayed on the couch, giving her my bedroom. But after trying to sleep for the last couple of hours, I finally gave up, and here I was.

Maybe it had been a mistake letting her in the room with Tim. With it being soundproofed, I had no idea what he’d told her. Or what she’d admitted to him. I doubted she revealed the secrets of mine that she was keeping. The reason I did it was more out of curiosity. Would Tim act friendly to her again just to try to get her help to escape? Would she try to help him? I was hoping that she would have admitted what they’d talked about once she left the room, but I was clearly wrong about that.

Not that any of it mattered. Tim wouldn’t be leaving until he was entranced, so even if he did tell her something important, I’d find out about it.

I crept into the room, pausing when a floorboard creaked. There was a tiny jump in Kali’s heartbeat. Only once, then it was back to its steady rhythm. She was getting quicker at controlling it. Better. She was putting more defenses up every day, refusing to even act like she was enjoying a second of being here.

“It’s just me,” I murmured into the darkness. “Before you try to use that stake you have under the pillow.”

“Maybe it’s you I plan to use it on,” she retorted in a groggy voice.

I chuckled. “You’ve had that hidden away since you came back. And I’m guessing you have another one somewhere in here.”

I didn’t search her after we came back from Project Hope, but there was no way she’d been in a room full of weapons without snagging one when my brother was out cold. I’d been on edge every night, waiting for her to try something, but it never came.

“If you were going to try and kill me, then you would have done it already,” I continued, fighting the amused grin tipping up my lips.

“Or I’m just waiting for the right opportunity.”

“Try it, Kali,” I taunted, moving closer to the bed. “See what happens.”

Before I got within a couple of feet of her, she threw the blankets off and sat up. Her eyes roamed around the room, trying to see me through the dark. I stayed absolutely still, wondering if she’d be able to make out my shadow. Even though it was daylight, I had the window completely covered. When my door was closed, it was pitch black in here.

“What do you want?” she asked as she still tried placing where I was.

“I want to take you somewhere. Get dressed.”

“Take me where?”

“You’ll see.”
