Page 6 of Bite of Desire

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I stared at him. “What do you mean?”

“Her blood is different,” Pax mumbled. “And the smell of it has changed, even since we brought her back here.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, nonplussed. Her blood smelled exactly how it had since the night at the beach when I found out she was human.

“When we first smelled her blood, it was the same as every other human.” Viggo shrugged. “But now? It’s different.”

I glanced down the hall to where my room was. “Different how?”

“It’s almost repulsive.”

Viggo’s statement had me bristling, and I opened my mouth, ready to argue. But Pax spoke up first.

“Human blood is all different,” he said uneasily. “But I’ve never come across a human I wanted to stay away from just because of their scent.”

“Maybe she’s a Shadow,” Viggo mused. “It’s close to her birthday.”

“We’ve never met one who started changing before their birthday,” Pax reminded him. “Changes always come after they turn twenty-five.”

I scrubbed a hand down my face. “You’re both saying that you have no cravings to feed from her? Even when she’s here? Her scent is everywhere.”

“We know.” Viggo groaned. “It seems to get worse every day.”

“This makes absolutely no sense,” I muttered, my thoughts racing.

“Clearly, it’s not the same for you.” Pax studied me.

To me, her blood was so damn good. So addicting that it took everything to stay away from her. But it wasn’t because I wanted to feed from her. I just felt better when I was near her. When I was surrounded by her scent. But I wasn’t about to admit that when Pax already looked worried.

“She smells the same as she always did to me,” I finally said.

“This could be another sign that it could happen?—”

I cut Pax off. “No. That’s not what this is.”

Viggo didn’t say a word, his eyes darting between Pax and me, a slight frown on his face. Before any of us could say another word, the click of the door alerted us that we weren’t alone anymore. I heard her heartbeat the second she stepped out of my room, and it raced faster when she appeared in the hall and saw us.

“Finally got tired of hiding in the room?” Viggo taunted, the seriousness fading from his face in an instant.

Kali’s hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, and she was wearing one of my shirts with a pair of her leggings. All she had were the clothes she had left here before the Clovers took me, and even though I was sure she wanted more clothes, I couldn’t deny how much I liked seeing her in my shirts.

“I’m bored,” she stated, her voice cold. “I want to leave this apartment.”

“Well, until we know you won’t try to run off, that’s not happening,” Viggo replied. “You’re a human trained to hate us, and you know our secrets. See the issue?”

Her icy glare landed on my brother. “I have no one to tell. The Clovers want me dead. I’m wanted by PARA. I can’t leave this city.”

“Gia will be keeping you company tomorrow night,” Pax said. “You like her.”

Kali frowned, her eyes finding mine. “Why? Where are you going?”

“Finishing up some business,” I answered. “There are still two people who know about me.”

Her face paled slightly. “You’re going after Tim and Jill? In Project Hope?”

I didn’t hesitate. Whether she knew or not, it wouldn’t change anything. “Yes.”

She twisted her fingers in the hem of my shirt. “You’re going to kill them.”
