Page 9 of Bite of Desire

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“What’s going on?” Zan asked quietly.

Viggo pushed past him, going back into the bedroom. “Nothing. Just making sure Kali knows how important this trip to her old city is.”

I slowly trailed after them as Viggo turned around to face Zan and me.

“Did you threaten her?” Annoyance saturated Zan’s voice. “I told you to leave her alone.”

“Nah.” Viggo chuckled. “I threatened Warner.”

Zan’s back straightened, and he turned his head to look at me. I bit my tongue, unsure of what I expected him to say.

“Kali isn’t going to betray us.” Confidence radiated through Zan’s voice. “You won’t need to go after Warner.”

Ice slid through my veins, and my hands clenched into fists. “But you’d let your brother go after him if I did?”

“Let him?” Zan shook his head. “That’s not how it works. My brothers and I share the power. Not one of us is above the other.”

“Except when it comes to me,” I sneered. “That’s all you, Zan.”

“True,” he admitted. “But that makes you my responsibility.”

“And I’m out,” Viggo muttered. “We leave in fifteen.”

He strolled out of the room, leaving Zan and me alone. With a sigh, he went to his dresser, and I knew what he was grabbing before he turned around.

“What’s in the necklace?” I asked quietly.

He held the necklace up, and I eyed the round charm warily. Zan was possessive enough, and the second that thing was around my neck again, it would only get worse. I didn’t want to be known as his.

“Did you put the lotion on?” He glanced inside the bathroom where the tubs of lotion were.

“Yes,” I answered. “How’d you get it? That stuff is heavily guarded.”

He scoffed. “Maybe from civilians. Not from us. I had a few vampires raid one of PARA’s buildings the night I found out you were human. It’s better that others in this city don’t know you’re not a vampire.”

“What’s in it?” I asked again when he crossed the room, stopping right in front of me.

“My blood,” he said simply.

My lips parted as I stared at the necklace. “Your black blood?”

A muscle in his jaw flexed. “Yes.”

“You’re a Shadow?”

“I’m not telling you anything right now.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You told me that you’d answer my questions if I put that on.”

“That was before we changed the deal.” His gaze gleamed with mischief. “I’m letting you go to Project Hope in exchange for wearing this. Answers now require something else.”

“What do you want?” I bit out.

“We’ll talk about it when we get back.”

“Can other vampires smell your blood?”

He paused, looking at the necklace. “Yes. They learn my scent, along with my brothers’, at the center. It’s the easiest way. It doesn’t matter if they know what we look like when they know the smell of our blood. They’re taught to respect us. Fear us. It starts from the first day they arrive.”
