Page 112 of Every Breath After

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“It’s okay to love him,” Izzy says after a long moment, her voice muffled by my shirt.

I stare blankly at the ceiling, wondering…

She can’t…know…right?

“I love him too. It’s impossible not to.”

Again, I murmur, my voice barely audible, “Yeah.”

“One day, when we get married, he’ll be your brother for real.”

“Uh huh,” I say, feeling like I’m choking suddenly. It’s pretty much word for word what she said years ago, and I want to scream.

Why? Why is she like this?

Is it a girl thing?

Is it me? Am I the outlier here?

Marriage. Kids. The future.

I never think about those things.

I don’t want to.

It’s this big, rippling void I’d much rather stay as far away from for as long as I can, so as not to risk what truths might surface from their black, murky depths.

Hey, sand? Can I rest my head in here for a bit? Thank you.

I feel more than hear my sister’s yawn before she goes on, “It’ll work out. For all of us. You’ll find someone and fall in love too.” I feel myself nodding as she sleepily rambles on about our futures, barely listening as the blood rushes to my ears.

She really has no clue.

I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad.

And here I thought with our so-called twin connection, I’d never be able to hide it from her…this thing inside me, growing stronger and stronger every day.

Minutes pass, her voice fading.

I frown, replaying Mason’s message for me that she relayed. “Izzy?”

She grunts.

“What exactly did he say?”


I shake her a bit. “Mason. His message for me. What did he say exactly, word for word.”

She makes a soft sound, rubbing her face all over my arm like a cat. “He said, ‘Tell Jeremy, don’t speak in class.’”

I stare at Saturn on my ceiling, rolling the words through my head.


Not JJ.

Sure, he calls me Jeremy to my face more often than not these days. But with Izzy…I’m still JJ.
