Page 277 of Every Breath After

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We were five here, I think.

“Is this your sister?” Gabe asks, and I nod.

When I say nothing else, he turns back to the box, taking the photo with him.

“Ah, the blue-eyed cutie again,” he says, and cuts me a knowing look, waggling his brows.

“It’s not like that,” I whisper.

“Uh huh. Sure. You forget I grew up closeted too.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” I say, finally nudging him out of the way, and snapping the lid on the box closed. But not before he steals another photo from the box. Another one taken from Izzy’s digital camera that summer before, this one—from the quick glance I get before he turns away—of all four of us in front of our treehouse. Mom took it. It was our last day of summer break—the day before senior year started.

“It means I know what pining looks like.”

I huff shortly at that. “And you got that from one photo?”

“Is he your brother?”

Scowling, I scoff. “What? No.”

“Exactly. That boy’s got heartbreaker of little gay boys everywhere written all over him. I know the type.”

“You’re ridiculous,” I say, yet I find myself fighting a smile, despite that ever-present ache inside me, fisting my heart.

It’s only been two weeks since I met Gabe on move-in day, but it feels like we’ve known each other for years. It’s surreal, as much as it is a relief. To say I wasn’t scared shitless about moving into a shoebox-sized room with a stranger would be putting it lightly.

If it wasn’t for the fact Cedar College is ranked as number one in the state of Pennsylvania as the most LGBTQIA+-friendly, and even takes it into consideration when assigning dorms—should you opt for it, that is, which I did—I don’t think I would’ve been able to do this.


Living in a dorm.

Moving over an hour away from the only home I’ve ever known, away from the only people I’ve ever known…

Not to mention, I started mid-year as a freshman one year older than most everyone else.

My parents had offered to help me with an apartment, seeing as Allentown is too far of a commute from Shiloh, but luckily a spot opened up when Gabe’s roommate dropped out right before fall finals.

From the bed, “So Contagious” by Acceptance suddenly cuts out, replaced by a low, muffled vibration against the blankets. Figuring it’s my mom again—she calls at least twice daily—I don’t rush to check it.

Gabe’s closer though, and as nosy as ever, glances down, his face lighting up. “Well well well, speak of the handsome devil.”

Oh no.

“Gabe, don’t?—”

Lifting the phone, he taps the screen, and grins at it. “Hellllo, gorgeous.”

Eyes bugging, I scramble for the phone.

What the fuck? He FaceTimed me?

Well that’s what you get for ignoring his texts and calls…

Growling at the voice in my head, I rip the phone out of my roommate’s hand just as I hear a confused voice rumble out, “Where’s Jeremy?”

At the sound of my name falling from that familiar voice, one I haven’t heard in months…
