Page 340 of Every Breath After

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In a dance club in the city, it wouldn’t even occur to me to feel this way. Hell, I’d probably be debating whether or not to approach him—flirt. Maybe buy him a drink. He’s definitely the kind of guy I go for when I need to scratch the itch. Tall and muscular, with more swagger in his pinkie than I’ve got in my entire body.

But in a dive bar in bumfuck PA…

Well, all I can think is, damn, he passes as straight pretty fucking well. Good for him.

Note sarcasm.

Wincing at the bitter thoughts racing through my head, I shove them back and remind myself to be nice, plastering what I hope comes off as a friendly smile when he approaches.

It’s not his fault that this town broke me.

“Hey, man,” he says to Mason, then nods to me. “Hey.”

“I don’t think you guys ever met, but this is Jeremy. He’s?—”

“Izzy’s brother,” Will murmurs, his eyes darting between mine. “No, we haven’t.”

Clenching my jaw, I fight back the urge to look away. “Yeah. Hey.”

He extends a hand, and I stare at it wide-eyed, before hesitantly taking it and shaking it.

His blue eyes sparkly with mirth, and he shakes back.

It hits me a moment later that he was probably going for one of those bro-shake-hug things I’ve never quite mastered.


“Nice to meet you,” he says with forced formality, amusement evident in his gaze.

I smile blithely. “Likewise.”

He presses his lips together, fighting a smile.

Feeling eyes on me, I release his hand and turn to find Mason looking between us with an expression I can’t place. It has me tilting my head, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“Lucky for you,” he says, “Will’s off tonight.” His voice cracks, but he’s quick to try and cover it up with a smile. His lip ring catches on the light, winking back at me.

Next to me, Will coughs into his fist, like he’s trying to cover a laugh.

Mason’s cheeks heat, and he rushes out, “You want a drink?”


“Yeah, I’ll have a beer.” Will nudges my shoulder, and I glance at him. Humor dances in his eyes. “How ’bout you?”

“Um, beer’s fine. Corona.”

Again, I feel eyes on us, but when I dare a peek, Mason’s already turned away.

Will draws closer, leaning right up against the bar. Staring ahead, from the corner of his mouth, he mutters, “Think he’s trying to set us up?”

I watch as Mason grabs a Corona and Yuengling from the fridge. “Seems that way.” That sinking feeling from earlier is back, and my swallow goes down like glass.

Will chuckles into a sigh, shaking his head. “Oh, straight people.” He cuts me a sideways look. “Feel like having some fun with it?”

I pause, considering.

