Page 360 of Every Breath After

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“Fine…doing just fine…then you. You…”

My throat swells, tears burning the back of my eyes.

What did I do, what did I do, what did I do…

That’s all I can think.

“…moaning and…” Whatever else he says after that is lost to me.

Blood rushes to my ears in a roar.

His words aren’t slurring…not yet…but I know, I know.

He relapsed.

“Mason,” I say tightly. “Where are you?” The phone creaks in my grip.

He chuckles, and it’s the hollowest, saddest fucking sound I’ve ever heard.

My jaw quivers, and I remove the headphones from around my neck, tossing them on the desk as I stand up.

“Mason, just tell me where you are.”

The phone quiets, and for a moment, I wonder if maybe he hung up on me. I’m just about to check, when he speaks.

And with two simple words, spat with so much vehemence—so much heartache—I know, I just know…things are about to go from bad to worse.

“The cemetery.”


How I got here is simple really.

I drove to the liquor store. Bought a handle of vodka. Drove my ass across town to a place I told myself I’d never go. Plopped my ass down in the cold, damp grass, broke the seal, cheers'ed my dead girlfriend, and took a sip.

It’s everything else that surrounds this that is so fucking complicated.

After hanging up on Jeremy, I lift the bottle to my mouth, and take another searing gulp of vodka. My fourth? My fifth? Who fucking knows. I’m drunk. And a lightweight, clearly.

I also didn’t eat today. So there’s that.

My throat protests as soon as the fiery liquid goes down. My chest squeezes. My stomach clenches. And I welcome the warmth flooding my veins like an old friend.

Could be worse.

That’s what I keep telling myself.

Could be fucking worse.

After all, it could be opiates swimming in my system right now.

It’s raining again—just a light inconsistent drizzle. It’s been on and off all day. My clothes are damp, my bones stiff. And as the sun descends, taking the temperature down with it, I wonder if maybe the worst is yet to come.

I stare at the headstone before me.

Yeah, things could definitely get worse.

Izzy’s tombstone is nothing more than a pointless slab of granite with empty platitudes engraved in it.
