Page 366 of Every Breath After

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All I can do is shake my head, and gape at him.

What did I do? What the fuck did I just do?

Slowly, slowly, I bring my trembling fingers to my lips. They still tingle.

Jeremy blinks rapidly, pressing his hands to his chest, like he’s trying to slow his heart. “Mason?” he says, staring into me with so much confusion, so much fear, so much…


So, so much want.

And I just?—

I can’t.

I can’t stop this.

His mouth opens, hands reaching out at the same time I rush him. Like two stars thrown on a collision course, racing at warp speed across the galaxy, we crash into each other in a white-hot explosion that rattles the universe. Shaking me to my core.

Lips fusing.

Fingers clutching.

Turning him, I walk him back, pinning him roughly against the car with a dull, ringing thud, plastering my body to his. He grunts, and I take the opportunity to sweep my tongue between his lips, seeking out his.


I’m kissing a boy.

He’s all smooth, flat planes, and sharpened edges, leaving no fucking doubt whatsoever as to the fact it’s a guy I hold in my arms. Jeremy…

Blunt nails dig into my shoulders, and teeth pin my lip. It’s a messy, sloppy, desperate kind of kiss. One that tastes of vodka and rainwater and those cinnamon mints he loves so fucking much.

The heels of my palms dig into his jaw, guiding him where I want him as I devour his mouth like a man possessed. Licking and sucking at lips I didn’t know how badly I craved until this very moment. How I went so long without this…

I’ll never know.

My brain clouds over with the sensations bowling me over.

I’m spinning and spinning…

Falling and falling…

And then he rips his mouth from mine. “Wait!” he gasps.

My head drops to the spot between his neck and shoulder. Chest heaving, I breathe against his chilly, damp skin, inhaling his cinnamon and earthy scent.

“We-we’re outside,” he chatters.

Eyes squeezing shut, I find myself thrusting forward, grinding my body against his like I could actually fuse us together. He groans, shuddering, and that’s when I feel it. Lodged right up against my hip.

I still.

His breaths are shaky and uneven. His pulse beating rapid-fire against my frozen lips.

He’s hard for me.

And before I can help myself, I rub up against it, realizing…
