Page 390 of Every Breath After

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And then it’s more memories, slinging at my skull like bullets, and I?—

“Jeremy,” I croak, scrambling out of bed. The blood rushes to my head, and the world slants, and I clutch the mattress, squeezing my eyes shut as I ease back down. With my other hand, I grab my skull. “F-fuck, I have to?—”

“He’s fine,” Shawn cuts in stiffly.


“Will’s, I believe.”


Frowning, I shake my head, wincing when a shooting pain streaks between my eyes.

“So what’s the plan? A meeting. Back to therapy. What are we doing?”

At his clinical tone, I lower my hand, and lift my head, peering through crusty eyes at Shawn standing there with his arms crossed and a hard, closed off expression on his face, one I haven’t seen since we first met.

Hell, if possible, he’s even more reserved now.

My heart drops somewhere in my gut. “Shawn…”

He gives a firm shake of his head, cutting me off without words. Telling me he doesn’t want to hear it.

“Do you wanna sleep it off some more before you decide, or?—”

“No. I…I wanna go to rehab.”

His brows lift slightly at that, the only outward reaction that my words caught him off-guard.

Blinking, I look around the room, trying to keep the memories at bay—fuzzy that they are. But it’s no use. They slam into me, utterly cold and ambivalent to my current hungover state, and the anxiety threatening to send me tipping over the edge.

“I’ll call Gavin. You start packing.”

With that, Shawn leaves the room, and I bury my face in my hands, muffling a groaned, “Fuck.”

When he returns a few minutes later, I’ve managed to get myself upright, and am currently tossing clothes in my duffle bag, paying little attention to what I grab.

“My phone,” I croak.

“Over here. I turned it off.”

Turning my head, I find him hovering in the doorway, arms crossed once more as he watches me with a look I can’t place.

“Way?” I whisper.

“Not here.”

Eyes burning, I nod shortly.

“So you remember.”

Jaw working, I nod again. “I remember enough,” I whisper.

“Way’s dad’s getting out of prison.”

I freeze with a balled up shirt in my hand, hovering over my bag.

“He found out last night, not long after you guys had it out.”
