Page 405 of Every Breath After

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His face tells me that’s exactly what believes.


I’m shaking my head faster now, face bunching as I try to make sense of it. “I don’t know what happened, okay? Everything just got all intense, and?—”

He scoffs—a short, ugly sounding thing. “You were drunk, Mason,” he grits out. “That’s what happened. Just call it what it is. We’ve all been there. I’ve had my own fair share of drunken mistakes, so I get it. But don’t lie and pretend it was something it wasn’t. Don’t make this worse than it already is.”

Wincing, I nod.

Despite what he’s saying though, there’s something…something there…something not right with his tone. But I can’t pinpoint what it is. And before I can dwell too much on it, a thought occurs to me.

Was that night he butt dialed me, moaning in my ear one of those drunk mistakes?

“You’re right though,” he keeps going, his voice getting harsher and more graveled by the second. “Things did get intense. I should’ve shoved you off. Should’ve never let you kiss me, let alone kiss you back. It was stupid. You were drunk, and you were emotional, and?—”

“You kissed me back,” I murmur, my voice distant under the thundering roar in my ears.

A beat passes, then?—

“I’m gay, Mason,” he says in a guttural voice. “And you’re gorgeous, and you have a stupid lip ring that was digging into my lip.” He flings a hand out. “Not to mention what else was fucking digging into me. What the fuck did you expect??”

And I go very, very still, my eyes wide and unblinking, lips parted.

For a moment, all I can hear is his heaving breaths.

His face darkens, and he seems to be fumbling for something to say. He shakes his head, and something akin to panic sparks in his eyes as he tries to take it back. “That’s not—I just mean?—”

“You think I’m gorgeous?” The words tumble out before I even realize what I’m saying.

Jeremy’s eyes widen, then harden, and he sneers. “That’s what you’re choosing to focus on?”

I blink a couple times, shake my head, and say, “I didn’t…”

“Didn’t what?” he says with a dangerous edge to his voice.

I gulp. Lick my lips. “Didn’t think you saw me like that.”

And for a solid, heavy beat he just stares at me.

Curling his lip, he barks out a short laugh. “Seriously?” Shaking his head, he says, “I can’t tell if you’re intentionally being that obtuse, or if you’re actually just genuinely clueless.”

Scowling, I say, “I mean, I know I’m not, like, bad looking. But...” I burrow deeper into the jacket wrapped around my shoulders. “Come on, J. We’re friends. Why would I ever think?—”

“You have girls falling at your fucking feet, Mason,” he says flatly.

Shaking my head, I say, “But that’s…them. Not you. You’ve never looked at me like that.”

Again, he just stares at me.


One second passes.


And then he cocks his head, eyeing me in a way I can’t quite define, other than to say he has never looked at me like this. Like he suddenly has something over me, and it’s a mindfuck if there ever was one. One that has the blood rushing from my head, and the ground beneath us tilting.

“Sure about that?”
