Page 413 of Every Breath After

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“Sometimes people grow apart because they have to.” His throat dips. “It can’t always be about you, Mason.”

I frown.

“Now, if you care about me at all,” he says in an emotionless voice, “you won’t stop me when I walk away.”

My mouth parts on a sharp intake of air…

And then nothing.

I say nothing.

I do nothing.

I let him put his back to me, and hold my breath, utterly unmoving, as I watch his figure grow smaller the farther he gets.

It’s only when the door to Chickie’s closes behind him, and I’m left alone on the street, that I let out the agonized breath I’ve been caging.

It breeches from my lips on a sob as I turn and pound the side of my knuckles on the building so hard pieces of brick crumble to the ground.

Bowing my head, I bury my face in the space between my white-knuckled fists, and scream through my clenched teeth.

Blood roars in my ears.

My lungs are on fire.

My anger is a living thing—a live wire whipping through my veins, snaking toward my heart.

Throwing myself back a step, I tip my head back, and glare up at the twinkling night sky.

And to God.

To the universe.

To the stars and angels.

To my dad.

To Izzy…

And to me, most of all.

I scream, “Fuck you!”


I didn’t mean it. I don’t hate you.

Well, sometimes I do. But I hate me more. For not staying outside the hotel with you. And now, for kissing Mason…

As good as it felt in the moment to unload on him like that, I just feel empty now.

But what else is new?

I didn’t see him again after that. Well, except for when he blew through the diner, before going out back with his mom and Gavin. I made sure to leave before he came back.

He hasn’t texted or called since and it’s been 24hrs.

I know I should be relieved. Glad he did as I asked. I saw his face… I know what I said hurt him. I wanted to hurt him. Maybe I should regret that, but I don’t. Not completely.
