Page 429 of Every Breath After

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I miss you.

Mase Face

Ok can we just pretend I never said that? It was a weak moment.

Mase Face

Did you see the trailer for Age of Ultron?

I did! But I still haven’t seen the first Avengers lol

Fr? Lol me neither


Yup. I’m behind.


We can watch it together

Like right now I mean. Not together together. Just at the same time

sure why not

Mase Face

I’m sorry I fucked all this up for us.

you’re my best friend. Always will be

i’ll do whatever it takes to get your trust back

i should’ve never crossed that line and put you in that position

you have every right to hate me, but I hope you don’t

you know i don’t actually hate you

sometimes I wonder how you don’t, i really do

says more about me than you, I think

no, no this is all on me

Mase Face

This Frost guy might be onto something

Mase Face

How do you memorize poems like that? I’m lucky if I can remember a single line

you’re a musician…

exactly. it’s different, there’s music to it lol

maybe there’s music to poetry too
