Page 63 of Every Breath After

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Frowning, I say, “Really?”

“Yup. And the one after that…well, I don’t even know if it counts, since it only lasted a week.”

I giggle at that.

“So, you see? I wouldn’t be too worried.”

My laughter fades, and so, so quiet, Mom has to lean down to hear me, I murmur, “But it’s Mason.”

Our eyes meet, and again, there’s something there I can’t pinpoint. I chew my lip, waiting for her to say something.

“He’s not just some boy.”

She nods, brow furrowing. “Yeah,” she says distantly. “He’s pretty much family, isn’t he?”

I feel weird and hot again as I shake my head, remembering what Izzy said before about us being brothers. “B-but he’s not like Waylon. Way’s not going anywhere. But Mason…if they get in a big fight and break up…”

Inhaling deeply, Mom tips her head back, nodding. “I see.”

“What if he stops coming around? What if…what if he ends up hating her, and I have to pick sides? What if he ends up hating me too?”

Mom hugs me to her again, shaking her head over mine. “No, no, that’s not gonna happen.”

“But it could.”

“It won’t. You know how I know?”


She pinches my chin and guides it back to meet my gaze when she says, “Because a mother always knows. He’s not your friend because of who your sister is. He’s your friend because of you.”

My chin wobbles. “Promise?”

“I promise,” she vows fiercely.

There’s a knock on the door, and we both look over at the same time. Mom releases me, and stands up, making her way over. When she opens it, I hear a familiar voice say, “I know I’m supposed to be doing homework with Izzy and Way, but can I talk to JJ real quick? It’s important.”

My heart does a belly flop in my chest.

Mom shoots me a questioning look over her shoulder, and I quickly wipe at my face, even though I know no tears escaped. Giving her a nod, I stand, just as she nudges the door all the way open, allowing Mason to pass.

“Ten minutes, okay? You both have homework to do.”

Mason says, “Yes, ma’am,” and Mom just rolls her eyes, shaking her head with a small smile.

“What’d I tell you about that ma’am stuff?”

Mason laughs and shrugs, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Sorry.”

She musses his hair, and leaves the room, closing it behind her.

It’s a long moment before either of us say anything.

Mason shuffles awkwardly in place, his eyes darting nervously about the room.

Shoulders hunched, I chew the inside of my lip, wishing I was better with this stuff.

I hate that he overheard me yelling at my sister. I had no idea he was even here, at our house. And now, recalling my outburst, heat climbs up my neck and face.
