Page 81 of Every Breath After

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Tiny arms strangle my neck. “And you’re my Crush.”


Later that night, I sneak down to the living room and power on the computer to bring up AIM.

It takes forever. Our internet is so slow out here in the boonies. But at least we finally got rid of the dial-up.

Once on, I sign in and find the person I’m looking for. Grinning as I always do when I see his username. I helped him come up with it. It’s so much cooler than mine. I made it years ago, and just never felt like changing it.

He’s away right now, but I message him anyway.

Why I don’t tell Izzy first, I don’t know. And I don’t really question it. Jeremy’s the only one I’ve been dying to tell all night, ever since we all talked at dinner about who’s allowed to know, before we basically have to trick the entire town.


Hey guess wut

His away message pops up immediately—song lyrics to a Hawthorne Heights song.

With a sigh, I pull up MySpace and mess around with my profile a bit as I wait.

It’s a while before he answers, but I’m not surprised. It’s a Sunday night. It’s late. But usually his parents aren’t too strict about it, especially now that it’s summer break. Even for him.

When I hear the beeps indicating I got a message, I bring up our conversation.



I grin, and carefully type out my response.


We both have little sisters now


“Ew, stop!” Waylon shrieks, running across our backyard.

Izzy’s chasing him, cackling like the hyenas from that Disney movie we watched last week.

I plop down in the dirt to watch them as they run circles around the yard.

Izzy finally reaches him when he trips over a rock and falls on his knees. She tackles him, and plants a wet, loud kiss on his cheek.

I giggle as he slaps at her and tries to crawl away.

“Isobel!” Mommy calls out from where she’s been reading a book in her lounge chair. The sun is hot today, and my skin is all slimy with sunblock. It smells good though. “Stop trying to kiss him.”

“But he’s my husband,” Izzy says, pouting.

Mommy laughs, shaking her head. “Did he get any say in this?”

Waylon huffs. “No,” he says at the same time Izzy says, “Yes.”

They all look to me and I duck my head, hiding a smile.

“JJ was the priest!” Izzy yells cheerfully.
