Page 63 of Outshone

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My eyes widened. Was I a bad adopted mother for not doing that myself?

“Thanks,” I said softly.

Kara reached across and grabbed my hands. “Becoming a mother is terrifying, but becoming one so suddenly when you aren’t prepared is a whole other level. We are here for you, Rubyhare.”



After two days on the train, we were all excited to get onto solid ground and escape the “metal box,” as Lily called it. There was a gorgeous estate with four mansions where all of the royals and guards, including us, were staying. Lily had immediately asked to play in the grass in her snake form. I’d shifted into my rabbit form and hopped and jumped around, making her hiss in laughter. After quick showers and a team of people to get us ready, we made it to the location of the Summit.

Lily asked me to carry her while we headed into the stone castle where the first day of the Summit was being held, a banquet. I wore a stylish red dress and Lily wore an adorable, fluffy dress that matched mine in color. Kara called in some favors from designers in the city nearby to get us the dresses in such a short amount of time. I did not want to know what the price tag for them was.

Caleb walked on my left, his stride confident and smooth, but I could feel his unease.

“Settle down, son,” Dan whispered in his ear. “Everything is going to be fine.”

Caleb exhaled and he nodded once, but his tension did not lessen.

“Sam!” Jolie screeched and raced forward to hug a man I didn’t know.

“Jo!” he yelled with a huge smile as he hugged her tight. He pushed her to arm’s length and said, “You look great!”

“You do, too. What has it been, ten years?” she asked. She tapped his crown and said, “It looks great on you.”

“Your father is inside already, seated as the elder for the sirens,” he replied.

Oh! He was the new King of the Sirens, Sam, her childhood friend. I remembered her telling me about him now.

“Sam, please meet Caleb’s mate and queen, Ember. Ember, this is Sam,” Jolie dragged him by the arm over to us.

I dipped my head. “It’s an honor to meet you. Jolie’s told me a lot about you.”

He smiled and pushed his shoulder against Jolie’s. “Don’t believe half of it. She’s a notorious embellisher.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please, you’re the one who embellished every story, starting from us being three.”

“No, that was Colton,” he argued.

They both laughed, but his laughter stopped and turned into a huge smile when Leona walked up to join us.

“Leona!” he gasped and hugged her. “You look great. Being a princess definitely looks good on you.”

“Being a king suits you,” she replied. “I can rest easy knowing you’re in charge.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Stop it, you two.”

“Sir, we need to head inside,” a guard said.

“Right, see you guys inside,” Sam said and waved before following the guard.

We waited until it was our turn to enter. The other kings and queens went first, then it would be us, and then the princes and princesses.

Two guards pushed open the doors to reveal an elegant ballroom full of sparkling people. All eyes turned to us as we entered.

“Smile and don’t let them know you’re scared,” I whispered.

“Okay,” Lily said.
