Page 71 of Outshone

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He didn’t finish that sentence as Dan open hand slapped him across the face.

Everyone gasped, myself included.

Dan wiped his hand on his pants leg as though wiping off filth. “You would do well to watch your tone and remember who you are speaking to. That is the Queen of Hybrids and Queen of Mages. They are my daughter and granddaughter. If I ever hear of you disrespecting them again, I will remove you from your place and you won’t like our next interaction. I restricted myself with a slap so as not to alarm my new great granddaughter. Next time, I will let the women handle you.”

Both Jolie and Adelaide had their fists clenched at their sides, looking ready to attack him.

Amos’ face was dark red as he spun and walked away.

“Well, that had to feel good,” Adelaide said. “Although, I’m a little upset that you did it before I could.”

“I’ll let you slap him next time,” Dan promised with a wink.

“That man is mean,” Lily whispered.

“Yes, he is a mean man,” I agreed with a nod.

“Thanks, Dan,” Jolie said and walked to hug him. “I don’t think I could have held myself back if you hadn’t stepped in. I don’t care what he says about me, but bringing Ember into this was uncalled for. He’s such an old, prejudiced bastard.”

“Oh! Nana Jo said a bad word!” Lily yelled.

Jolie put her hand over her mouth. “Sorry!”

All of us laughed and the tension eased a bit more.

Caleb, Riddick, and Nico teleported to us, covered in soot and a bit of blood.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I rushed forward. “Are you injured?”

“We’re fine,” Nico said quickly. He looked at Dan. “What were you guys doing over here? I felt Jolie’s anger and then surprise.”

“Amos overstepped and I corrected him,” Dan said and brushed invisible dirt off his arm.

“Nana Jo said a bad word!” Lily announced.

Jolie groaned. “Of course, that’s what she remembers.”

My eyes returned to Rhys and Deryn fighting the man with the strange object and I gasped as they both fell to the ground on their backs.

Jolie screamed and jumped off of the terrace, dragon’s wings popping out of her back as she dove towards them.

Nico teleported to them and started fighting against the man with the object.

“Fuck!” Dan shouted. “That’s a magical bomb! Everyone, evacuate!”

The people in the stands had moved away from the fight, but were close enough I didn’t doubt they were still in the blast radius.

I thrust Lily into Caleb’s arms, shifted into warrior form, and used my enhanced rabbit-human legs to leap from the terrace towards them.

The man used a spell that knocked Nico out next to Rhys, Deryn, and Jolie.

Putting a shield around myself once near him, I said, “Not today, you bastard.”

“You cannot stop me,” he snarled. The sphere started glowing orange and I knew I had limited time.

Where could I send him? Oh!

I had to stop using a shield, but I just needed a single moment, so it had to be enough. Opening a portal beneath his feet, I sent him to my former home, to a section of the woods that I knew even if someone had moved in that they likely wouldn’t venture to as it was surrounded by thick brambles full of thorns and was miles from the house.
