Page 76 of Outshone

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He patted her back and laughed softly. “Yes, I do. How are you feeling, Mom?”

“Perfectly fine, thank you. I was only knocked out with a sleep spell and cracked my head a tiny bit.”

When Jolie had fallen from the spell, the back of her head had hit the concrete stands and cracked. Thankfully, it hadn’t been serious.

“Where’s my granddaughter?” Fox asked, looking around. He spotted her, shifted into fox form, and ran over to play.

Deryn pulled me into a hug, startling me. “I know Rhys and I have been hard on your during trainings the past few months, but I want you to know how proud we are.”

Why was it that these grown adults saying they were proud was about to bring tears to my eyes? They weren’t my parents!

Rhys pulled me away from Deryn and hugged me next. “You protected not only us, but everyone in the stands and truly made us proud.”

“Thank you,” I said and smiled up at both of them. “I’m just glad no one was seriously injured.”

“Em! Em!” Lily shouted.

Everyone spun, myself included, to see what she needed.

She pointed at Fox, laying across her lap, and said, “Grandpa Fox is a fox!”

Oh, right, she hadn’t seen them in animal forms yet.

Smiling, I nodded.

She ran over and looked up at Rhys. “What are you?”

“Dragon,” he answered and shifted his head only.

She gasped and clapped. Spinning to Deryn, she asked, “Wolf?”

He canted his head slightly. “Yes, how could you tell?”

“Wolves are scowl-y,” she said and pushed her eyebrows down with her fingers while frowning hard.

Caleb threw his head back as he laughed and Deryn tackled him. “Oh, you think it’s funny? I’ll show you funny.”

The two rolled across the grass and after a moment, shifted into their wolf forms.

Ezio shifted into his wolf form and tackled Deryn away from Caleb.

“Can I fly?” Lily asked Rhys.

He looked down at her and asked, “Fly?”

She nodded and pointed up towards the sky. “Up!”

“Lily, it’s not nice to ask to ride people in their shifted form,” I told her gently. “It’s rude. What if someone asked to hold you in snake form?”

She frowned as she thought about it and looked at Rhys. “Sorry, Papa Rhys.”

I swore I saw his heart physically melt as she called him that. He squatted down, grabbed both her tiny hands in his, and asked, “What if I take you flying when you guys come visit us next?”

Her eyes brightened, her mouth dropped, and she nodded happily. “Yes!”

“She’s got them all wrapped around her finger already, hasn’t she?” Jolie asked me softly.

I nodded. “Yep.”
