Page 81 of Outshone

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I nodded. “Winnie and she are best friends now.”

“Makes my job easier,” Tanika said. “Thank you again. I really was worried we were going to lose her.”

I dug in my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. “We can exchange numbers and anytime you need me, I’ll come help.”

Her eyes widened, but she took the phone and entered her information, sent herself a message, and saved my number in her phone. “Thank you. I will probably take you up on that.”

“Are you done visiting?” I asked Branson.

He nodded. “Are you finished as well?”

I hopped off the fence. “Yes. Should we head to the main house?”

Branson nodded, intertwined our fingers, and lead the way. I waved to Tanika and she waved back.

“Any word on how Lily’s doing?” I asked.

He nodded. “I snuck over before I came here.”

Of course he had.

“She’s doing great. Remember the little boy she played with at the town during the Summit?”

I nodded.

“He goes to school here, so they’re already friends and he’s introduced her to his other friends.”

“Oh, is a love blossoming?” I asked.

Branson growled. “They’re too young for that.”

Laughing, I patted his arm. “Oh, Branny Boy, you are in for a wild ride with that girl over the next ten years.”

“With you as her mom, I don’t doubt it.”

I poked him in the ribs, making him jerk sideways. “Rude!”

“If the rabbit tail fits!” He turned and ran towards the house, laughing.

“You get back here!” I shouted, shifted into warrior form, and hopped quickly after him.

“That’s cheating!” he yelled as he shifted into his warrior form to run faster away from me.

“There’s no cheating in love or war and this is both!” I yelled.



The entire car ride home, Lily talked nonstop about her day and how much fun she’d had. Ezio reported that everyone had seen her on television during the Summit with us, so he really wasn’t needed to keep them from bullying her. I was skeptical, but also knew true bullying came when they got older, like eleven years old and above.

We returned to our clan, heading to an area we called the main square, after saying goodbye to Ezio.

With the increase in clan members, we’d had to build a lot more houses, and we’d even built a little store where members could buy items instead of worrying about leaving the territory or ordering things to be delivered.

Dan had ordered his construction crew to build a gazebo in the center of the little city, just in front of the new store, and put some bushes and flowers around it. It was cute and inviting and got used daily. That was our main square and where we met with everyone who was currently there.

Lily ran over to the kids, playing with them.
