Page 157 of Diamond Fortress

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“I won’t tell him about . . .” She touches the necklace with a smile. “You know.” I shake my head in a, God help me kind of way.

“Twenty minutes, Eliza,” I say, and then she nods, skipping into the little cabin before moving right to her room on the first floor and slamming the door behind her.

I drop the bags from our shopping excursion in the middle of the living room, looking to the ceiling and shaking my head.

Dante’s laugh fills the room, and I don’t watch, but I know he’s getting closer. Electricity snaps, even now.

And then he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me in close, my hand moving to rake through his hair that is more silver than dark now. His head goes to my neck and it’s then he says the words that always flow through me.

The words he always says if we spend any longer than two hours apart.

“Missed you.”
