Page 27 of Worthy

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Scott and Jack are waiting for me outside the locker room when I exit and keep close to me as we near the vehicle. I feel an arm across my body, stopping me from moving forward. Both men move into position and block my view from whatever or whoever has them on high alert.

Scott’s voice rumbles, “Ma’am, can I help you?”

I peek over their shoulders and see a woman with shoulder-length brown hair, a pert nose, full lips, and blue eyes. She’s pretty in an unconventional way, but it’s the eyes that get me. They look hollow and soulless. She’s wearing a Rocket’s jersey with my number and name, standing there smiling with her hands crossed in front of her. She’s doing her best to look innocent and unassuming, yet I’m positive she’s anything but.

“I’m one of Aiden’s biggest fans, and I heard what happened on the news yesterday. I want to make sure that he’s okay with my own eyes,” she tells us.

Jack keeps his hands loose, ready to draw his weapon if necessary. “And you planned on waiting by our car until he came out?”

“Yes? I saw you guys walk inside, and Aiden was wearing a T-shirt instead of his suit. Aiden always wears a suit when he plays. I double-checked the lineup and noticed that his name was missing. I didn’t see the point in watching the game if he wasn’t going to be participating.”

Scott takes a step in her direction, “I can assure you that Aiden is fine and unharmed from yesterday’s events. I’m sure you can understand why we can’t let you near him under the circumstances.”

“If he’s not hurt, then why isn’t he playing? Is it because he wants to spend time with his new girlfriend?” she asks with a hint of disgust.

I nudge the bodyguards to give me a little space, but they don’t budge. I peer over Scott’s shoulder to make eye contact with the woman who is far too invested in my personal life. “My injuries are from yesterday’s game and are short-term. I’ll be playing again in no time, and I thank you for your support. However, I’d like to get home to my family so I can root the Rockets on to victory.”

“Do you want company?” she asks audaciously.

“No, but thank you for the offer. If you’ll excuse me, I need to leave.” I silently pray that she’ll walk away and there won’t be an incident. She steps a few feet over, but not enough for Scott’s liking.

With a level of authority that almost has me bending to his will, Scott tells her, “I need you to move at least 50 feet from the vehicle, Ma’am.”

She complies, but not without trying to communicate with me. “I would never do anything to harm you, Aiden! I love you!” And that’s my cue to get out of here as soon as humanly possible.

Scott keeps his body between the woman and me, never taking his eyes off of her while Jack opens the door so that I can escape this weird situation.

The woman doesn’t move from her spot but shouts after us as Scott pulls out of the parking spot—her final words causing the breath to leave my lungs.

“Say ‘Hi’ to Penny for me!”

The first few miles are driven in tense silence, everyone on edge. I watch my bodyguards scan the mirrors, searching for anyone who could be on our tail. It’s me who finally speaks first.

“Is anyone following us?”

“No, Sir. Not as far as I can tell,” Scott says in a clipped but still professional tone. It’s different from the man who had breakfast with my family yesterday and spoke casually.

“Scott, have I done something to offend you?”

“Permission to speak freely, Sir?” he asks.

“We’re not in the military. You won’t get fired for saying something I might not like,” I tell him.

“Alrighty then. While I didn’t care to listen to your friend’s verbal vomit about Anna and imply she’s a gold-digger, it’s your plan to get her to trust you and play with her emotions that really bothers me. She’s a great person and genuinely cares about you and your family’s well-being, the amount in your bank account notwithstanding.”

It’s nice to know that Savannah inspires loyalty, even after such a short period of time. “You don’t have to worry about that. I know who she is and why she’s here. I felt like she was hiding something important from me, and I wanted the truth. Last night, she gave it to me. Apparently, my mom felt it was best to keep me in the dark about the nature of what Savannah does for a living.” I use Savannah’s real name to validate my claim that I’m “in the know.”

Jack speaks up next, turning around in his seat to face me. “Does that mean you aren’t going to try and make her fall in love with you?”

I chuckle. “I have every intention of getting to know Savannah better. Like you said, she’s a great person. I’d be an idiot to let her slip through my fingers. I promise you both that I don’t have any nefarious intentions toward her.” I feel like I’m defending myself to Savannah’s parents, asking permission to date her.

“See that you don’t. I have a gun and know how to use it,” Scott warns in a fatherly way. If it weren’t for the twinkle in his eye, I’d think he was being serious. Actually, the more I think about it, it’s the twinkle in his eye that I should be wary of.

Jack starts laughing and I ask him what’s so funny.

“I was just thinking how disappointed David will be when he finds out the great Aiden Shaw has a thing for Savannah. You should have listened to him last night while he was medicated. He said the first thing he’s going to do when he gets out of the hospital is to propose. You might want to make your play soon, or he might beat you to it!”

“Yes. You informed me this morning that David thinks Savannah is ‘hot.’”
