Page 61 of Worthy

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Gerald scowls at Patricia before addressing the judge. “Your Honor, the picture is but a moment in time, and Mr. Shaw is grasping at straws. It’s not possible to tell what is going on with just a glimpse.”

The judge peers over his glasses at Gerald, “Yet you submitted a photo and accused Ms. Jones of conspiring with criminals. Are you not the one who said, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words?’ Do you have video evidence that would explain the nature of this encounter?”

Gerald shakes his head. “No, Your Honor. I do not.”

The judge gathers up all the evidence submitted by both parties before addressing the courtroom. “This is a special case with much to consider. I will spend the weekend going over everything and all the character testimony provided today. We will reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on Monday morning. I will have my decision for you then. Good day.”

“All rise,” says the bailiff as the judge leaves the room.

Patricia approaches Aiden in a huff, “You haven’t won by a long shot! I don’t know how you managed to get your hands on my medical records, but I’ll sue you for invasion of privacy.”

Aiden’s lawyer steps forward, “Mr. McFadden should have warned you that medical files can be obtained for the purpose of a custody hearing, especially when the welfare of a child is in question.”

Gerald mutters and glares at Patricia, “I would have had it been disclosed to me that there was a concern.”

Patricia watches her lawyer walk away and then turns back to us. “I’m surprised Swank isn’t here to defend you, Aiden. Could it be that he is indisposed with more pressing matters? You might want to check on him and make sure he’s still around. He is your best friend, after all.”

She cackles as she pushes open the courtroom door. I face Aiden—a bad feeling churning in my gut. “Whatever happens next, you need to follow my lead. I have eyes and ears that you don’t see or hear.”

Aiden turns toward his father, “Dad, go straight to my house and stay put. The O’Sullivans are targeting my loved ones now, and they took Swank. I don’t want to see the same happen to you.”

The lawyers rally around Reggie, and one says, “We’ll make sure he arrives in one piece.”

I address them all, “Keep your eyes peeled for anyone following you. If you even remotely suspect that someone is watching you, head for the nearest police department and wait there.”

Reggie promises to let Aiden know when he is secured and back at the house.

As Aiden and I are heading toward the garage, I hear Jessie’s voice in my ear warn us, “There is a black van entering the garage and heading in your direction.”

Jerry calmly adds, “Do as they said in the video and don’t put up a fight if they approach you. I was able to track the source of the IP address, and it’s coming from an abandoned warehouse just North of the city.”

“Are you sure that’s the correct location?” I ask.

“Positive. Roger has been monitoring the same feed from the house and keeping his contact appraised of the situation. The FBI is already en route and will wait for our signal. They can’t engage unless we can confirm the O’Sullivans are there. We need you on the inside to gain as much intel as possible,” Jerry explains.

“Why didn’t you mention any of this while we were in court?” I ask.

“I’m telling you now, Savvy. Would you have left Aiden unprotected when it’s him they want? You didn’t need the distraction when there was nothing you could do. Isn’t that why you brought us along instead of the Shaw Squad?”

I see his point. My team lined up the pieces for a solid strike, so when the inevitable happens, we’re already ten steps ahead of them. “Thanks, guys. I knew I could count on you.”

Jerry grunts, “One more thing. Amy was spotted watching the courthouse. She kept her distance, but she could be feeding the O’Sullivan’s information.”

“Do you still have eyes on her?” I ask.

“No, but she’s around somewhere.”

I let Aiden know the situation as we head toward his truck. I take his hand in mine and stop his forward momentum. I hear screeching tires as the van barrels up the ramp and kiss him lightly on the lips.

“Brace yourself. Things are about to go sideways.”

Chapter thirty-one


Anna’s warning still rings in my ear as two men in ski masks jump out of the van and point a gun at us, screaming at us to get in. We comply, but Anna pretends to be scared while doing so.

The man holding the weapon trains it on Anna. “Stop your whining. We have been informed that you are more than you appear and know this is all an act. Put your hands out where I can see them!”
