Page 64 of Worthy

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“How does my retirement affect you? What does it matter?”

Swank moves a few feet closer to me, staring at the gun in my hand. When his eyes meet mine, there is both hate and love there. “Life has been so easy for you, Aiden. Other than your divorce, you have never understood hardship. You landed a four-million-dollar contract your first year playing for the Rockets. Do you know what mine was? It was a tenth of that! I played just as hard and just as well as you ever did and was offered a pittance!”

“That’s because you were in the draft instead of waiting the two extra years. That has nothing to do with me, and it isn’t my fault.”

Swank takes another step closer, “Wasn’t it? I have always been in your shadow, Aiden. I had hoped to shine on my own. When I failed, the O’Sullivans approached me. I figured I could throw a few games to make some extra bucks, but once I was in, I couldn’t escape. Then, when you were signed and we played together, it was easy to lose by a point in the third period or have an ‘off’ day. There was no way I could guarantee that if you weren’t playing anymore. One more year, and I could have retired too.”

Anna finally speaks. “How does trying to get a hold of the two billion dollars factor into this? That’s what I can’t wrap my head around.”

Swank narrows his eyes at her. “It was my ticket out of this mess. The O’Sullivans said if I helped them, then they would stop harassing me. If I didn’t, it wouldn’t matter where I go. Even if I had been traded, they would have found a way to get to me or coerce me into playing longer. I just wanted to be done with them.”

Anna and I both shake our heads, but she tells him the hard truth, “There was no way they were going to let you go once they got that money. You’re a fool to think otherwise.”

Swank, angered by her words, snatches the gun out of my hand and puts it to my head as he moves behind me. “Put the gun down, Savannah. You’re going to let me walk out of here if you plan on ever seeing Aiden again.”

I put my hands up, “Don’t do this, Swank. It’s not worth it.”

Swank walks us backward until he’s in the hallway. I’m about to touch the ring to his body and knock him unconscious with a shock when there is a loud “Thud!” His hold on me loosens as his body crumples to the ground.

Spinning around to see what happened, I come face-to-face with Amy, who is holding a metal pipe in her hands.

Chapter thirty-two


Iraise my gun and point it at Amy, who looks at Aiden with such tenderness—quite unlike the way she looked at him when she crashed the Easter gathering. The moment she notices me take a step in her direction, she drops the pipe and puts her hands up.

“Don’t shoot! I was trying to help!” she begs.

“Why are you here?” I ask. “You’re in direct violation of the restraining order placed against you.”

I groan in dismay when Aiden steps in front of me and blocks my shot, forcing me to sidestep him. “Anna, lower your weapon and let me talk to her,” he demands. I lower it slightly, but it’s not enough for him as he pushes it down further.

“We really need to get out of here first, Aiden. This can wait until we are all safe. Keep your gun trained on Amy until we can get this sorted out.”

“I’m no threat. I just saved Aiden’s life. Why would I try and hurt him?” she asks.

Her point is valid, but one can never be too careful. “Consider it a precaution. Once we’re out of here, you guys can chat it up all you want. Take it or leave it.”

She takes me up on the offer, and we move out. I “slice the pie” as I navigate every corner, inching my way in an arc so I’m a smaller target. Most of the way is clear until we reach the main warehouse one flight up. FBI are scattered about and making their arrests. I watch as Sean O’Sullivan gets dragged away in handcuffs. Not wanting to be misidentified, I raise my gun in the air and shout, “I’m Savannah Jones with Shining Knight Protection Services! I’m with Aiden Shaw and Amy Potslawski. There are three unconscious persons on the lower level!”

Deputy Director Robert Finnegan walks toward us, waving two of his men to go and take care of Swank, Patricia, and Conor.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Savannah Jones in the flesh,” he says.

“Have we met? I know who you are, Sir, but I don’t recall our paths ever crossing,” I say, taken aback by his familiarity with me.

He smiles. “No, we haven’t had the pleasure. However, my daughter, Harper, has always admired you.”

Harper Finnegan. She’s the 18-year-old I purposefully lost to in the last beauty pageant before I graduated college. “You’re Roger’s best friend and contact!”

He winks and teases me. “There’s nothing that gets by you, Ms. Jones. Harper has always spoken so highly of you. She followed in your footsteps and joined the FBI. I guess I have you to thank for that because it had been my dream for her to work alongside me, but only if that was what she truly wanted. You were an amazing role model for so many young women, my Harper included.”

“Why? Beauty is only skin deep, and the last thing I want is for any woman to put stock in that.”

He tilts his head and asks, “Is that what you believe? Savannah, you pulled yourself up from poverty with your talent, wit, and brains. Yes, beauty is a factor, but you’re the whole package. You are the perfect example of triumph over adversity and worthy of everyone’s respect. You have mine and Harper’s.”

I choke out a “Thank you, Sir,” before turning away. Aiden stands behind me, proud as can be. Even Amy is smiling.
