Page 22 of Jabarri

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“It wasn’t that hard to spot, and if Mom and Dad stopped riding in the boat on the river of denial, they’d be able to admit they knew, too. Listen, we can’t keep living our lives to please Mom and Dad. Someone has to break this controlling cycle we’ve been living in, and why not us? I am leaving, I have my own dreams and desires, and I am going to live my life. I have been saving for years, and I have enough saved to go live in Europe for several years.” He reaches into the bag he was holding and pulls out a phone box. “Here’s a phone for you. I paid it for the year, which should give you enough time to find a job and be able to pay for it on your own. Get some independence, Nat. Depending and relying on Mom and Dad is what got us into this mess, and I am over it. I love you, sis,” he tells her, pulling her into a tight hug.

“You’re leaving me?”

“Come with me,”

“I can’t, Scottlyn is here. I love her,”

“Well, you two can come visit me,”

“Yes, we can. When do you leave?”

“As soon as my passport gets here,” he says, and her eyes widen with the news.

“You got a passport? How did you do that without Mom and Dad knowing?”

“Like I said, I saved my money, I got a PO Box, and a separate phone, and one day when they were away, I had my own internet ran so they couldn’t monitor what I was researching. This shit isn’t normal, Nat, none of this is. We’re both adults, but they treat us worse than toddlers.

My passport will come to the PO Box, and I will buy my airline ticket and leave. Hell, I keep a go bag in my trunk.”

“Will you at least let me see you before you just leave?”

“Of course, that is why I got you your own phone. But Jabarri is right. It’s time to stop living in fear, and it’s not right to keep him from having the life he’s been waiting for, just like it’s not right for you to not be able to live your life.” he hugs her again before kissing her forehead. “Can you keep an eye out for her?”

“Certainly. I wish you the best,” I tell him, shaking his hand before he walks out.

“You know you don’t have to tell them shit, just move out. I have a couple of houses that are available. We can go tomorrow and take a look at them,” I offer her.

“Okay,” she says, and I take a deep breath. It feels like I am finally able to breathe. Hold on, Skai, I’m coming! And this time, I am not leaving,


“Oh, uh, no thanks. I’m married,” I tell the guy who is trying to ask me out on a date. All I wanted was a frappucino and I am being hounded. Ugh, I hate it here. I kinda wondered if I liked all men, but nope, just one in particular. Men still give me the ick.

“Where’s your ring then?”

“Being cleaned,” I respond without thinking as I pick up my speed to get away from him because the next stop is shooting his ass, and admittingly he is a nice-looking man, he’s just not my man.

“Whatever,” he says, finally turning and walking away. Thank God. I get in my car and take off before he changes his mind. Brooklyn is all set up in her house, and once again, I am alone. What’s crazy is I have always enjoyed being alone, actually preferred it, but since Jabarri and Brooklyn left, the house just feels extra lonely now. I don’t bother pulling into the garage when I get home and come to find out that was a mistake. I feel him as soon as I cross the threshold, I can sense him, can smell him. I round the corner, and there he is, sprawled out on my sofa.

“Get out,” I tell him without preamble, heading to my bedroom. Please leave, please leave, please leave. I chant in my head because he picked the day where I am feeling the most fragile. If he touches me, I am going to fold like a lawn chair.

“Skai, I just want to talk, please,” he says as he reaches for me, and I almost roll my ankle avoiding contact.

“I can’t touch you or talk to you now,”

“Jabarri, just say what you want to say and get out,”

“Damn. Well, okay, I know I made a mess of this trying to be a friend for Natalie and be there for you, but I realize now that there was no way I could do both and I am sorry that you took the most loss in the situation. I talked to Natalie. I won’t lose you, Skai, not when I just got you,”

“Who says I am still available or want to be with you anymore? It felt kinda nice going to the party with Elias,”

“Don’t play with me, Skai! You almost got Elias archived,” he says, and I am forced to hold in the laugh even though I know he is serious.

“You’re being a bit dramatic, aren’t you? I was doing him a favor. There is nothing there but friendship, but I still enjoyed being on a man’s arm.”

“Let me explain something to you,” he starts.

“No, there is nothing to explain, Jabarri. You made a choice and whatever happens as a result of that choice, is of your own making. You are not about to stand here and act like a neanderthal from the thought of me being with someone else. If you wanted me and didn’t want anyone else to be with me then you should have acted like it. Now if that is all you have to say we’re done here and I am sure you can find your way out,” I turn on my heels to put as much space between us as possible.
