Page 30 of Jabarri

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“Yeah, probably,” I say, smiling from ear to ear. “But I would love for it to be just us,”

“I mean, we can try. But even if we only do family and closest friends, it will still be a huge event.”

“True. Alright, I guess it’s a small price to pay to finally become your wife. I mean, you made me wait long enough,” I tell him, walking past him. “Eeekkk!” I scream as he scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder.

“I kept you waiting? If it wasn’t for you we probably would’ve been married before your mom and my brother got married. I knew who you were to me the moment I set my eyes on you.”

“Jabarri,” I whisper as he sets me down staring me in my eyes so I can see that he means what he is saying.

“I am just stating facts. But I am a firm believer in things happen for a reason and when they are supposed to happen. We both had to grow and mature so we could get to this place, and even though it took years just knowing we are together, I know it was worth it.”

“I love you, baby,”

“I love you, too. I have to show you something, but first I need to go by your house. Okay?”

“Yeah, lets go,” I tell him.



I watch her dance around the room, and I know I made the right decision. That day after our gun training I told her I wanted to show her something but I had to go by her house first. The truth is what I wanted to show her was at her house. When we got to the house I went to the room and called her asking her to come here for a second. She had an empty room downstairs she kept saying she was going to make into another sitting room so I took it upon myself to finish the room while she was at work, or away recruiting for her brother. She never even realized what was happening in her own house. When she opened the door, she skidded to stop in the doorway. “Jabarri?” her hands clamp over her mouth as her eyes travel the room taking in everything.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it.” She walks around the room touching everything.

“Why didn’t I think to do this?”

“Cause it was meant for me to do it for you,”

“This is a gorgeous dance studio.”

“You dancing for me will always be one of my favorite memories and it looked like you really missed dancing. So, I wanted to give you your own place to dance,” I tell her and she turns to me, rising on her tip toes to kiss me. I put in a wall of mirrors, a bar against a wall, a ton of lights, and a sound system that the movie theater would be jealous of. There is movable pads for her to use and even a piano. Everything she could possibly need to dance to her heart’s content.

“You are amazing, you know that?”

“I mean I knew that but it’s nice that you finally know it.”

“Barbie, hush,” she says, laughing, still going through everything.

“Were did you get these pictures from?” she asks, referring to the photo collage of her on one wall.

“I had Jassiel get them from your mom”

“Oh my God, look at these!” she says, turning to notice the giant pictures of her I have on another wall.

“I picked my favorite pictures of you dancing,” I explain.

“This is too much,” she says.

“It’s not enough for you. All I want is to be able to watch you some of the time when you dance. I know this a private thing for you, to decompress, so I don’t want to interfere too much.”

“It is a personal thing for me but so are you and you can watch me anytime.”

“Thank you, beautiful. Oh, and in the lockers over there are some outfits for you to wear, unless you want to dance for me in your birthday suit,” I tell her, waggling my eyebrows at her. The smile that blooms across her face makes me so happy, not because I may actually get the chance to see her dance in all her naked glory, but because she was comfortable with the comment. She didn’t turn away from me, or start fidgeting like she would have in the past, and I love that. I think her and I continuing to go to couples therapy has helped after the Alayna debacle and making love, we had a lot to discuss. One thing I have worked diligently to provide for her is a safe space, a safe space to emote, to talk to me about anything and not have to worry about judgement or my feelings coming into play. I will not take over, or try to fix the problem unless she wants me too, but I want to be her safe space in all things. Coming to therapy has taught me how to verbalize correctly and effectively and also how to identify what I am feeling properly and that has made me a better man, not just for her, but for myself as well. And she is getting there too, a lot slower than me, but I don’t care how long it takes for her to get there. I will be there with her every step of the way.

“You know they say great minds think alike right?”
