Page 37 of Jabarri

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“Never mind you are completely missing the point.”

“Yeah, you’re right baby, I’ll do better, okay?”

“That’s all I am asking!”

“Right. Skai,”

“Okay. When do you want to do this?”

“Josh and Savvy will be coming back tomorrow night, and we’re having a family dinner, so I think today is the best time,”

“Jabarri, it will be a pretty raw time for my mom seeing as she is moving my brothers remains here,”

“We’re talking to them tomorrow night, Skai.”

“Fine,” she’s say, giving up the fight. “Truth of the matter is my brother’s body has been here and reburied. DJ took my mom away for a couple of days to give her time, so realistically there is nothing stopping us from having this conversation.” She says, finally giving in. I stand with her in my arms and carry her to the bed dropping her on it.

“Let’s get some sleep, we’re going to have a hell of a day tomorrow.

Present Day


I sit there watching my mom spazz out, literally. DJ tries to calm her down, but she is not having it. “I lost one child, Joshua! I will not lose another one!” she tells him when he tells her to calm down. She continues to pace the room, vacillating between being pissed and being terrified.

“Mom, please calm down. I am fine, and Jabarri is running facial recognition on them, plus we killed them, so please relax for a second,” My eyes track her until she finally sits down next to me, pulling me to her like I am three years old instead of a woman in her thirties and I let her.

“Skai, run through this again,” DJ says, and I do. When I tried the first time, I was a little shaken up, but now that the adrenaline has tapered off, I can think a bit more clearly.

“Let’s see the video,” he says, and I pull out my phone to play it. I cast the video to the big TV, and we all watch the video. Jabarri made sure to remove my video portion of the video, and we all watched as the guy with the gun shot and killed the other guy, as the other guys there picked up the body and threw it in the water seconds before noticing me.

“We have a problem,” Jabarri says, walking into the house. We are still at the resort since the compound is still under construction.

“There were four guys there, but there were seven men that were killed, and if that isn’t bad enough, two of the original four weren’t among the dead.”

“So two men got away that know Skai was there, but they were able to make some calls about the situation enough so that backup came to assist,” DJ summarizes.

“Well, as far as we know, they don’t have a video of Skai, so they don’t know who she is.” Aryan says.

“Yeah, but how long is that going to last? We know they were able to make at least one phone call and get help within minutes, so how do we know they didn’t get a picture of her license plate numbers?” Joseph says.

“And for all we know, they didn’t get a picture of her plates, and they have no idea who she is,” Jaasiel chimes in.

“You know our motto, we think and prepare for the worst but hope for the best.”

“Why does his ass look so fucking familiar,” Atlas asks, looking at the guy with the gun.

“Because that is Arturo, or as he is better known, Art. He worked for my father, and if I can recall, was just as ruthless and brutal, but he was a small fish,” True says.

“He doesn’t seem all that small right now.”

“It’s been eight-ish years since we six-footed Victor, that’s plenty of time for someone to climb the ladder and take over the organization,” True says, studying the image of the guy on the screen.

“So where does that leave us?” Anson asks.

“Skai, you’ll move in with us so we can keep you safe, and we’ll keep someone with you at all times,” DJ says.

“No,” I say immediately.
