Page 48 of Jabarri

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“I’ll stay home,” I tell him. If I wasn’t so frustrated at being left out of this fight I would’ve cried from his heartfelt words. “Where is my mom?”

“She walked out right before you woke up. She was talking to your dad,”

“Gotcha. I am sure he is trying to push all of her buttons.”

“Get dressed,” Lennox says when she comes back in my room.

“I ruined my outfit,”

“I got you something to wear,” he says holding up a bag. He helps me get dressed, and I notice the bruise covering my whole right side. As soon as I am dressed in the graphic tee and leggings when my mom walks in.

“You’re up. Lennox says you’re able to come home.”

“Where are we going to go?” I ask Jabarri, seeing as part of my house is either blown up or burned to high hell. And the house he was at the resort has been rented out since he was always at my house.

`“We are going to stay at the hotel,”

“But first, we are all going to the house to talk,” my mom orders, and I groan partly because I am in pain, but I am not telling them that, and the other part is I do not want to hear what they have to say. “Then you and Jabarri can go rest, the talk shouldn’t take too long,” she says, and an hour later, we are all sitting in the beach house waiting.

“We are going to head to Texas, early in the morning and we are going to take Art and everyone else that is in there out. Once we do that, we are going to hunt everyone in that organization down and we are going to kill them all,” DJ says.

“Sounds like my kind of party,” Atlas says.

“Mine, too,” True backs him up.

“Oh yeah, big surprise,” Parker says, laughing because we all know those two always want the contact.

“We will go tonight. I am sick of the people closest to me getting hurt. So the sooner we can six-foot this Art person the sooner I can relax again.”

“I’m down,”

“Me, too,”

“Hell, we can leave now,”

“Now who is that?” Aryan asks when the doorbell rings. ON the other side of the door are Doone and my dad.

“What are you doing here, Doone,” Atlas asks him as they both walk in taking a seat.

“I was wrong. I knew I was missing something. There really wasn’t a good angle of the man killed, but I took the video to a master 3-D sketch artist, and they completed the persons face, and it’s Mark Hartman,”

“Why does that name sound so familiar?” Asher asks.

“Because he was in the news during the last election. He is the male version of Olivia Pope.”

“Oh yeah, I remember, them saying he was missing, and they presumed him to be dead but have not been able to find his body,” my mom says, “but how is he tied to Art?”

“Art’s sister is married to the United States Secretary of Homeland Security. That’s how he has been able to expand the business. From what I can glean, Art does the Secretaries dirty work, and the Secretary keeps him safe,”

“So that means what?”

“That means Art is untouchable. John Johnson will have the Gideons wiped out with a flick of the wrist. You can’t kill your way out of this, and they will keep coming for not just Skai but all of you.”

“Well fuck,” I say, cussing in front of my mom.


Just when I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel, the bitch caves in. Not only do we have a psychopathic drug dealer after Skai, but he also has the Secretary of Homeland Security on his side. We might be fucked on this one.
