Page 16 of Impossible Crusade

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The jet with its experienced pilot swooped down, settling seamlessly on the runway. The plane slowed and then stopped. Chalisa peered out the window. She could see three Humvees and a smattering of people waiting for them. It looked like Kingston’s dark hair and huge body with Reagan and her mom’s blond hair and smaller frames, but she couldn’t see their faces clearly.

Seeing her family would ease the pain of the ‘grand entrance.’ Rushing out of her seat, she hurried into the bathroom at the rear of the plane, clinging to her purse, before Treck could shut down the plane and come take it. She only wanted to see her mom, Reagan, Kingston, and Hope. She’d missed all of them terribly. She had no desire to have cameras rolling and famous people like Mercedes Belle and some special ops hero counterpart waiting for her.

Using the bathroom, she washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. She’d been working a lot of hours between her job, helping in Nursing Kindness clinics, and dealing with all the aspects of her charity. She should look pale and exhausted, but with the makeup Julie’s crew had put on her, her blue eyes seemed huge and pretty, her pink lips full and inviting, and her skin smooth and lustrous.

What did she care? Aiden wouldn’t watch the show.

She grunted in frustration. Aiden. She had to get over the jerk.

Only he wasn’t a jerk. He’d rescued her, made her laugh and feel safe and loved. If only he could’ve truly loved her.

Who fell in love in a matter of hours? Stupid, short-sighted, romantic, never to be forgotten …

Straightening her shoulders, she took her one personal item Julie said she could keep with her this week from her purse.

The Maquech Beetle necklace. She rubbed at the amber stone with the pad of her thumb. Everlasting love.

She wouldn’t wear it around her neck on the off chance Aiden did see the show. It wouldn’t do to have him think she was still smitten with him. But she wanted the necklace with her. It comforted her—not like Aiden’s strong arms, but then nothing was like that incredible space.

Blowing out a breath, she focused on the necklace not symbolizing everlasting love and the hope and joy she’d felt with Aiden. It needed to symbolize the loss of Aiden and their quick burn of a romance. It should remind her to never fall again. Julie had said she’d be inseparable and often alone with her ‘military hero’ for a week. If she couldn’t be with Aiden, she’d rather be alone.

The necklace could also remind her why she loved her charity. To give of herself, forget about the pain of Aiden, and focus on helping others. She’d heard a quote that she really liked: “Forget about yourself and go to work.” It was a good mantra. Work and service could get her out of any Aiden-missing funk. Her charity helped her in so many ways, and she knew it was helping others too.

Sliding the necklace into the side pocket of her exercise pants, she grabbed her purse and swung open the door.

Treck waited next to the open plane door. He smiled. “You ready for this hoopla?”

“Not really.” She forced a smile onto her face. “But it does reassure me that I’ll be on Magna.” Her family and all the royals made the Hidden Kingdom even more special.

“Best place on earth. Now let’s go so I can get to my Haven.”

His wife Haven was an adorable, friendly blonde from Great Britain. Chalisa loved her accent and her British slang.

“Let’s do it.” She walked to Treck.

He held out his hand. “I’m supposed to take your purse.”

She handed it over. Her hand was trembling.

“You’ll do great,” Treck assured her. “Off you go.”

She forced herself to move her feet. The warm, tropical breeze blew in through the open plane door. It was early March and at least eighty degrees in the paradise of Magna.

She eased down the steps and heard two-year-old Hope’s cry of “Auntie Shell,” from Kingston’s arms.

“Chalisa!” her mom and Reagan both called to her. They were here!

But it wasn’t Hope, her mom, Reagan, or Kingston that she saw first. Her focus was yanked from her beloved family and seized by the man waiting for her at the bottom of the steps. His blue eyes were as beautiful as she remembered them.

For one instant, their gazes connected and everything came rushing back. Aiden swooping in to rescue her. Him gallantly protecting her. The unique way they’d teased and flirted. Their incredible kisses. The unparalleled connection between them.

Everlasting love.

It was happening right now. His clear, blue eyes revealed he felt their bond as deeply as she did. He’d longed for her and would never get enough of her. Finally, finally, they were together, and nothing could separate them now.

“Aiden,” she whimpered.

She stumbled down the plane steps, and despite the agony of the past three months, she would’ve gone straight into his arms.
