Page 22 of Impossible Crusade

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Shawn’s countenance changed. He smiled gently at her and led her to one of the two waiting Humvees. Treck must’ve taken the third vehicle while Chalisa had been so completely distracted by Aiden a nuclear bomb could’ve gone off and she wouldn’t have noticed until she was dead. Shawn helped Mercedes into the passenger seat and then walked around and climbed into the driver’s seat. Interesting. She’d never seen a visitor drive one of the military’s vehicles.

“C’mon, baby girl,” her mom said to Hope, opening her arms.

“No. Me stay with Auntie Shell,” Hope insisted, clinging to Chalisa’s neck.

Chalisa held her tight. She didn’t want to let her go either. She glanced up and made the mistake of locking gazes with Aiden. His gaze was tender on her. Sweet. Hopeful. Her own heart filled with hope.

As soon as he saw her looking, he focused on the ocean.

The hits just kept on coming. Why had she let herself fall for him that night? Could anyone blame her? She’d been a mess after being attacked by Jorge. Aiden had been the ideal hero that night—charming, irresistible, and she had thought he was her perfect fit. How wrong she’d been.

She caught Kingston frowning between the two of them, and that gave her strength. Kingston would keep her safe and take Aiden out if she asked him to. She smiled to herself. He might take him out for no reason at all. Kingston was her hero right now.

And for the next week, she had to focus on why she was here: to win the million dollars. She’d enjoy the time with her family when she had it and keep her feelings for Aiden buried deep, interacting with him as little as possible.

She handed Hope over to her mom. “I’ll see you tonight, okay, love?” She shouldn’t have used Aiden’s term of endearment. One glance at him made her want to run to him. His blue eyes were warm on her again. She focused on her niece. “We can play horse and dolls and you can show me your puppies. All right?”

Hopefully she could keep these promises. If they were training for the next three and a half days and right close to the castle, she should have the ability to spend some time with her niece and family.

“And Auntie Stella’s flowers?” Hope asked.

“Of course. I love the flower garden.” She hid a smile. Princess Stella was married to Crown Prince Quinn. The flower garden was her happy spot, but she hadn’t created it like Hope believed.

“Okay.” Hope’s lower lip drooped. “Bye, Auntie Shell.”

Chalisa’s mom gave her another hug, squishing Hope between them, then stole her granddaughter from Chalisa and turned to walk to the Humvee.

Reagan gave her a hug and whispered, “I need the story about that handsome hunk tonight.”

Chalisa managed a weak smile and pulled back. “See you later.” She would promise nothing. She’d hate missing out on her family this week, but maybe being insanely busy would keep her from admitting the truth. She loved ‘that handsome hunk’ and she meant nothing to him.

Kingston hurried to escort his wife to the Humvee, holding the door for his mother-in-law and kissing his daughter and wife before settling them in the rear seats and shutting the door. Chalisa had managed to focus on her family and not even glance Aiden’s direction for a few minutes. Small victories.

“Let’s load up,” Kingston said, gesturing to the other Humvee.

Chalisa started in that direction. She noticed Aiden and the cameraman keeping pace with her. The camera would take some getting used to. Aiden would take … she didn’t know what. It was impossible to imagine she could be impervious to him or adjust to having him close and not loving him.

Kingston held the passenger door for her. His serious gaze questioned what was happening with her and Aiden. She managed another weak smile, sat in the stiff seat, and pressed her head against the headrest. Kingston closed the door. Yet another fabulous attribute about her brother-in-law—he wasn’t one to grill you with questions.

Aiden and Garrett climbed in the back. Aiden sat directly behind her. She could feel him, but thankfully the seats were big and she couldn’t see him.

Garrett never stopped filming.

Interesting that the Magnites had upgraded to a nice jet for the tourists but still used the older Humvees to drive them around. Maybe it was a nostalgic thing. They kept the Humvees clean and in good condition.

Reagan had told her that the Magnites were flourishing financially and, thanks to Samson, tensions with the Dissenters were at an all-time low. The royal family only allowed twenty-four tourists to visit each week and only ten spots were open at the castle; the rest booked homes in the village, on the beach, or even up in the mountains near Chalisa’s favorite waterfalls. The Magnites didn’t want their island to be overrun but the royals and the locals were gracious and welcomed every visitor.

Kingston drove past the jet, two smaller planes, and a larger jet that was probably Mercedes’s. It wasn’t Aiden’s jet. Had Aiden flown in with Mercedes and Shawn? Why did she care?

She studied the familiar scenery outside the window to avoid looking at or talking with anyone in the vehicle. They drove from the small airstrip with the beach and ocean on her left and farmers’ fields spreading like a blanket up to the towering, verdant mountains on her right.

Within minutes, they cruised into the village. Chalisa relaxed a bit. She was thrilled to be here. The small town bristled with old-world charm—cobblestone streets, arched bridges leading over the river, the picture-perfect church and quaint shops, and the incredible castle towering above it all with its large windows and granite walls sparkling in the late-morning sunlight.

Instead of going over the bridge to the castle’s courtyard, Kingston turned toward the stadium and the training facilities for the military. Her stomach twisted with nerves. She should’ve paid more attention when Kingston had trained her, Jenn, and Reagan on horseback riding, target shooting, and hand-to-hand combat. To be fair, Kingston had been mostly focused on his wife, and she and Jenn had mostly messed around while Jenn flirted with the royal guards. She’d learned some self-defense but hadn’t used it except her failed attempts at getting away from Jorge. Which of course brought her thoughts around to Aiden.

Think of something else.

Would the Navy SEALs go easy on her for the show because she was a woman and the only one not trained in all aspects of battle? She dreaded fighting anyone. A Navy SEAL could probably incapacitate her with one hit, just like Aiden had done to Jorge and his guards.
