Page 45 of Impossible Crusade

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“Especially Jagger. He looked as strong as Kingston.”

Red hot jealousy poked him in the chest. The man was nowhere near as thick as Kingston, and he stood no chance against Aiden.

“Well, now.” He smirked all the more. “We’ve seen that I can defeat Kingston, so obviously Captain Lemuel’s ‘strength’ is no concern of ours.”

“Thank you for reassuring me of your obviously superior abilities.” She smirked at him. His Chalisa didn’t smirk. It looked really cute on her.

“You doubt me?” he asked, only partially teasing.

She looked him over, slowly. His blood ran hotter.

“Never,” she pledged in the most beautifully appealing voice.

Aiden grinned. All his kissing visions were going to happen. Now. But first he had to make certain. “I don’t want you around Captain Lemuel. Don’t let him get you alone or try to get in your head. You understand?”

Chalisa blinked up at him. Her mouth pursed. “Aiden. Are you jealous of Jagger?”

Jealous? Him? Never. If someone had something he wanted, he worked until he got it, but he didn’t get jealous.

He’d promised to keep her safe, and part of that was keeping her far away from Jagger. Kingston had called Aiden a ‘schmoozer’ before he beat him the first time and earned his respect. Captain Lemuel was the real schmoozer, a poser, a glazer. Kingston would back Aiden up.

All his dreams of kissing Chalisa fell away as she studied him, seeing through his veneer to exactly how jealous he was.

Okay, he was jealous. He didn’t want some guy hitting on Chalisa, holding her hand, complimenting her.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” he said. “Rest well.”

He turned and strode to his bedroom. Chalisa was probably laughing at him. He was annoyed at Captain Jagger Lemuel and at himself. He should’ve teased that he was jealous and she needed to kiss him better.

The fact that he couldn’t admit it was telling. The fact that he’d missed out on kissing Chalisa when he only had two more nights with her was devastating.



Chalisa felt a little thrill mixed with annoyance at Aiden’s obvious jealousy of Jagger. She should’ve used that jealousy to get closer to him then reassured him with her kiss that she would never want anyone but him.

And she couldn’t have him.

She slept fitfully, nervous about everything that would happen on Friday. She didn’t doubt Aiden could perform brilliantly, but she feared she’d be so dismal at every event that she’d lose the million dollars by herself. Maybe Jagger or Hays would be subpar on a horse and she could beat them at jousting. She smiled to herself. They could walk their horse down the list, gently poke her shield with their lance and knock her off her horse.

Waking early on Friday morning, she prayed, took a long shower, stretched her sore muscles, and prayed again.

When she walked out into the main area in a pink T-shirt and fitted black running pants, Aiden waited for her. His simple gray T-shirt and joggers showed off all his lovely muscles. He looked incredible. The bruise on his cheek and his bicep made him look even tougher, proving he was more than willing to take a hit for her. He was the Bionic Man, but he could bruise. She only hoped he was right that his bones couldn’t break.

Even with all their training the past few days, she couldn’t wrap her mind around competing in the events she’d watched Kingston and the other Magnites and guests participate in many times. It would be worth it for the million dollars to help many people receive health care, but it was terrifying.

She’d been consumed this week with the man standing across the living area from her, she hadn’t fully allowed herself to dwell on how humiliating and painful today was going to be. Maybe it was for the best. Worrying wouldn’t have accomplished much more than giving her an ulcer.

“Good morning.” He smiled brilliantly at her. “Did you sleep well?”

“No.” She shook her head. “You?”

He also shook his head, still smiling at her. “You look absolutely gorgeous.”

Her own smile grew. “Not sure that’s going to help me win any events.”

Striding toward her, he was the epitome of charming security expert. To her, he was much more enchanting than James Bond.
