Page 53 of Impossible Crusade

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The crowd cheered for Aiden and jeered at Jagger. She was grateful that all of Magna loved him like she did and knew they were also cheering for her to win a million dollars for Nursing Kindness.

The fight had been going for far too many minutes in her opinion when a whistle blew and Kingston came and pulled them apart. Shawn went with Jagger to his corner and Aiden to a corner with all the princes, Stuart, and Wes. It was quite the impressive entourage. Fitting for her Aiden. He hadn’t been born royal but he was every bit as elite and regal as his support team.

Aiden took a towel and some water, drank deeply, then wiped his face and the blood off his chin.

She could hear all the men chattering with advice. It was too loud in the stadium to decipher what they were telling him.

Aiden handed over the towel and water carafe. He looked to her and gave her a confident smile. She put a clenched fist to her heart, and his smile grew. He returned the gesture, then he and Kingston walked back to the center of the ring where Jagger waited. Both men glistened with sweat and bulged with defined muscle. Both studied each other without smiling.

Kingston backed away and whistled. Aiden said something to Jagger, but she couldn’t distinguish it. Jagger dodged at him. Aiden did a wild side flip into the air, springing onto Jagger’s back and landing a vicious elbow into the other man’s neck.

Chalisa cried out in surprise. Jagger’s body went limp, and his eyes rolled back before he even hit the ground.

He face-planted into the dirt. The impact was awful with him unable to break his fall and with Aiden’s added weight on his back.

Aiden glanced up at Kingston.

Kingston threw both hands in the air, uncharacteristically cheering. Then he hollered, “Captain Aiden Porter wins by knockout!”

Aiden leaped to his feet and lifted his hands in celebration too. The crowd cheered, but Chalisa could sense everyone was a little on edge. They could cheer against the outsider, but they didn’t want him dead or seriously injured.

She started to slide under the barrier to offer medical help, but Shawn, Hays, and Dr. Grace all hurried into the ring first. Mercedes stayed back, very pale and leaning against the railing for support.

Aiden stepped back as Dr. Grace dropped to her knees. She checked for a pulse and nodded, then proceeded to check his spinal cord.

Jagger’s body shuddered. He groaned and rolled over.

“Please don’t move,” Dr. Grace said. “You may have a spinal injury.”

“I’m fine,” he grunted, sitting up and shaking his head as if woozy.

“Wow!” Hays yelled as soon as he saw his buddy was all right. “Captain Porter, that was epic! I’ve never seen anyone beat Jag.”

“Thank you.” Aiden bowed slightly. “I aim to inspire.”

Chalisa smiled at him. He was back to his teasing and Jagger looked to be all right.

Jagger sent Aiden and then Hays a glower. Hays lifted his hands innocently. “What? It was incredible. I’ll show you the film later.”

“No thanks.” Jagger staggered to his feet despite Dr. Grace’s protests and stalked off.

“Captain Porter receives ten points for a knockout,” Bodi crowed into the mic.

The fans went wild at that pronouncement.

Aiden took the water carafe and a towel from Wes. He drank and dumped water over his head and then wiped his face. She checked for injuries but could only see some bruises, no open cuts or swelling.

Handing over the dirty towel and empty glass, Aiden thanked Wes and Stuart and then zeroed in on Chalisa. He strutted up to her, grinning widely. He was the toughest and most handsome man she’d ever seen in her life. Throwing her arms around his neck, she planted a kiss on his lips.

He held her as close as he could with her stupid armor coming between them. He smelled of dirt, blood, and sweat, nothing like his usual peppermint and musk scent. She didn’t care. She stunk as well, and he didn’t seem to care either.

“You were inspiring,” she told him, running her hands over the taut muscle of his upper back.

“Ah, now I like that. I inspire you, love?”

“Yes, you do.”

He bent close and whispered for only her to hear, “Let’s finish thumping these SEALs, then I’m going to inspire you like you’ve never imagined when we’re alone tonight.”
