Page 33 of Leather Dreams

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“Uhm, all for one and one for all?”

“What does that mean to you?”

“Leave no man behind,” he says sternly, with more conviction than before.

“That’s right. We’re not leaving her behind, and the fact that you were willing to just let her order you back into a fucking shell has got to dock some brownie points off you.” Traffic is light at this hour, not the worst, but rush hour is only a few short hours away. Having ridden early this morning, we intentionally avoided the shitty traffic. Now, we’re going to make a plan to figure out how to tackle said traffic.

“Not only that, but you know Leather would never do that to us…” Bear says quietly, as per his usual demeanor.

Pulling into a busy parking lot, Bear and Twelve flank me, and I almost end up tail spinning. The kickstand scratches on the concrete as I rush to grab my phone. It doesn’t take long for Prez to answer.

“What the fuck is going on?” He asks, his own tone on the edge of frantic. “I told her to get out of there, but I can’t reach her.”

“She stayed back,” I huff and flip the visor on my helmet. “She thought she was fucking saving us, but Tornado stayed with her. I didn’t see much, she just ordered us to leave and not come back.” I can’t stop my leg from bouncing, my calf starting to burn from how rapidly I’m moving it. It’s like trying to contain this horrendous rage that’s just begging to be let loose.

“That’s fucking stupid,” he starts.

“Believe me, you’re preaching to the choir.” Pinching the bridge of my nose through the open area, my brain tries to grasp at straws on how to get back there. “We’re going back, but I need a plan.”

“What are you thinking of doing?” His agitation is beginning to grate on my nerves. Or maybe that’s just me being a fucking idiot by not having something already decided.

“I don’t know!” I grunt. “I have no fucking clue, and this isn’t one of those times to be teaching me!”

“I think you’re wrong. You know what you’re supposed to be doing. Do it.” He leaves no room for argument, pushing further. “You’re Leather’s right hand for a reason, Knuckles. Take fucking charge and get back there! I got locals trying to get to them, but you’ll have to meet them.”

Without waiting for my response, he immediately ends the call.

Staring out onto the busy roadway, cars slowly start flooding the streets. There’s not a ton of time left for us to avoid rush hour, and who knows what’s happening right now…

“We’ll discuss the plan on the way,” I state, my own decision now made.

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Iwould love to say that this reunion is unexpected, but…” he trails off, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. His helmet is suddenly tugged off his head then placed on the seat of his bike. Looking back at me, he smirks. “It’s not.”

My frozen veins instantaneously thaw with raging fire. “What do you want?” There’s more ferocity in my tone than I’m currently feeling, and I can only hope that it’s sending him ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibes. It’s easy to see that I’m pissing him off, which is exactly what I need.

Tornado doesn’t move from beside me. I don’t take my eyes off the predator in front of me, but there’s a good chance that Tornado is standing like there's a metal rod shoved in his spine.

“Leather,” he sighs, tsking like he’s scolding a small child. Taking his time, he pulls his leather riding gloves off one finger at a time. Besides the natural sounds of the city surrounding us, the group is completely silent.

“Fuck off,” Tornado grunts and moves several steps away from me. “You weren’t supposed to be here.” That catches my attention, though I refuse to take my eyes off Heckles.

“Maybe not, but I’m the one who showed up. Plus, did you really think the boss believed the whole spiel about nothing going on?” Furrowing my brows, I know better than to start asking questions. However, just because I know better doesn’t mean I won’t do it.

“What the fuck does that mean?” I demand. Crossing my arms over my chest, I do my best to put puzzle pieces together. Unfortunately, they just aren’t forming.

“Oh, my,” Heckles laughs, shaking his head. “I presume that our dearest Tornado hasn’t caught you up to date? At least I know he’s loyal to someone.”

He turns to face Tornado slowly, looking at him like he’s ready to bury him six feet under. A quick glance to the other men, and I realize that I’m absolutely at a disadvantage. I don’t think I would be able to sneak my gun out of my waistband. There’s no telling where they are looking since they all still have their helmets on and visors down.

“I’m not falling for that bullshit,” Tornado spits, his own irritation finally rising to the surface. “Get the fuck out of here, Heckles.” There’s a sense of finality in his tone that would have me cumming…if he didn’t just commit a cardinal sin and turn on a fellow member. But, that’s just another issue. Is he a member of Silent Renegade? Or is he a member of a different club?

My brain hurts trying to keep up with everything.

“Can you both just cut the shit?” I shout, fire burning in my stomach. Reaching behind me, I grasp the handle of my pistol. Just as I’m about to yank it out, another hand lands on my wrist and holds me tightly against them.
