Page 34 of Leather Dreams

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“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, sweetheart,” he snickers, his head tilting down to breathe right into my ear. A disgusted shiver trails through my spine.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen.” Heckles saunters over to me and the other dude and kicks rocks along the way. “You’re going to be a good whore and get into that van.” He points to the vehicle I hadn’t even realized was here. It must have been here this whole time and none of us clocked it.

“Absolutely not,” I hiss, fighting the tight hold on my body. “I would rather die than go anywhere with you.” With rushed steps, his chest is mere inches away from me. His hand lashes out, smacking me harshly across the face. Blood instantly pools in my mouth.

The guy behind me lasso’s my arms and tugs me off the ground. Not realizing his disadvantage, I swing my legs up and slam my heel into Heckles’ face. He staggers as the dude and I crash onto the ground. The hold on my shoulders loosen immediately, but it’s pointless. The remaining men form a semi-circle around me. Jumping back to my feet, I manage to grab my gun and aim it dead at Heckles. If there’s any shots I take, it’ll be killing that motherfucker.

“Do it,” he taunts, advancing on us. My finger hovers over the trigger, but it’s like my body refuses to push it down. “You’re a weak little girl who needs someone to dominate her.”

His remarks continue to hit the target, my own feelings of betrayal surfacing once more. It’s been years since I have felt the struggle of his hold. Yet, now that he’s found me and is standing right in front of me, the submissive girl wants to fall back on her knees for him.

“I’m not weak,” I snap. Taking aim at one of the other guys, I let the round fly steadfast. It lands and makes a loud crack as it punctures his helmet. I can only hope it hit him smack between his eyes, because he drops like a wet noodle onto the concrete. I would love to rip the helmet off his head and stare at the liquid oozing from the wound, but there are others around me that I simply can’t trust.

Finally taking a glance at Tornado, his body language is tight, shoulders rolled back and hand poised over the butt of his gun. His eyes…they are the only thing that betrays him. They are dull and emotionless to those who can’t read people. I can see right through him. He’s not torn, he’s regretting this decision with everything in his being. From his earlier astonishment, Heckles wasn’t meant to be here.

“My, my, you’ve grown a back bone!” He claps slowly, his voice haughty and monotone. “Now quit playing games, stupid girl, and get into the van.” My entire body is trembling as I fight against the command.

“You know what happens to girls who disobey?” He whispers in my ear, the tips of his fingers dragging along my naked ribs. A shiver wracks through me. The vibrator is tied between my legs, stuck on my clit as he torments me. I’m unable to stop him. “Aren’t you going to stop me, little girl? Fight against your master.” The demand kicks my brain into action, squirming against the tight holds. My body is hunched over like a girl praying at church, except my arms are tied together and tucked tightly into my body. Almost to the point where breathing is difficult.

“Red!” I shout, but that doesn’t stop him. It never does, even as I scream it over and over again. The jagged knife pressed firmly into my tight skin, he rips away my last barrier.

“Now, now, girl. I think you’ll like what I have coming.” Cool air meets the wounds, effectively also helping my overheated body. The moment of reprieve is gone. His cat-o-nines lands harshly on my flesh-

“No!” I shout and pull the trigger. I wait for the gun to discharge, for him to drop. Except…it doesn’t. Clicking the weapon over and over, I realize the chamber is jammed. There’s no way that I will be able to fix it.

Heckles charges me, and I bolt away from him. Taking off in a sprint, there’s no way I can outrun him in my boots. He’s also almost twice my height, so his leg span doubles mine.

Pushing myself faster, it’s not a pace I can maintain for too long. Before I can think, I’m being tackled so hard my head clobbers on the concrete. My arms cover my face, fending off his continued punches. Shifting my hips, I try to buck him off of me and flip him like I was always taught, but he knows exactly what I’m trying to do by counteracting it.

“Quit fucking struggling!” He screams, spit flying onto my face as we grapple. I don’t want to leave my face vulnerable, but I have to fight back in order to survive. Shrieking, I shoot my hands out, get a tight grip on his face, and smash my thumbs into his eye sockets. His own shout of pain echoes around us. I can’t clock anyone’s location, but that’s not on my agenda right now.

His body weight still sits heavily on top of me. Jerking my hips upward, he topples to the ground as he cradles his face in his own hands. I struggle to stand, my head swimming and vision cloudy from the hits I took. Two men converge on me, both with looks of pity. I try to find Tornado, and I see the other guys struggling to put him into the van.

“You can tell Hendrix,” Heckles spits, referring to Prez’s real name, “that you’ll see him in hell.”

Before I can block the hit, a pistol jams right into my temple, and my vision goes dark.

Chapter Twenty-Seven



The phone call ends before I can rip into him. How could they let her trick them into leaving? On the other hand, I can absolutely see how she can do that. She’s strategic, and I can guarantee that there was so much going on, they expected her to follow. Unfortunately, she didn’t.

I wrack my brain for names, anyone in the area that would be of use. There’s really only one name that’s popping up, and if we use them, there’s no doubt they will want something in return. That’s how the world works.

You scratch my back, and I will scratch yours.

Dialing Tiny, I swear he leaves me in suspense until the very last moment. “Look, I already told you that the contract negotiations are still going on.”

“I’m not calling for that.” Pinching the bridge of my nose, I can’t help but groan out loud. “We need your help.”

“I’m listening.” Explaining the situation to him, he remains quiet on the other side. I have to pull the phone away from my ear a few times to make sure we’re still connected.

“What do I get in return?”

“Guess it depends on if you guys get there in time.” Hopefully that will encourage him. Just as he starts talking, I hang up. He’s absolutely a contract we need, but we need our members alive. That’s a priority over anything else. Unfortunately, I don’t think he will. I may need to rely on someone else…though, I only have one other person in mind, and it’s not someone that anyone would guess it to be.
