Page 47 of Leather Dreams

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“You had a gun this whole time and didn’t fucking use it!” Yanking out the handgun, I also gawk at it. I realize it’s a fucking Desert Eagle 50. They are not out of the price range, but we usually don’t have anyone besides myself and a couple others that would pass a background check well enough to claim one of these.

Daryn stumbles slightly on a rock, and that’s enough to knock some sense back into me. I aim backward and nail two of the several men charging us. They are getting closer and closer, and I’m not sure if we’re going to make it.

“My bad, princess. I just had to save your ass!”

“Fuck off,” I retort. More rounds pop off, and a searing pain wretches my shoulder. Nearly dropping the gun, I squeeze the trigger several times. One of the bullets whizzes through one guy, slamming into the friend behind him. They tumble to the ground while a few other shots ricochet off the walls and slam into the others. The empty clip clicks as they start gaining on us.

There’s no fucking way we’re making it out of this alive.

Chapter Thirty-Nine



“How exactly are we going to pull all of this off?” Knuckles asks coldly, staring blankly at the room. I have tried to talk to him several times, but he just wasn’t having it. Not that I blame him.

After Knuckles left Tornado’s hospital room, there was no question about the sexual tension. There was also no question that Knuckles was raging and pissed at me. At first, I had no fucking clue why he would be so angry with us. I mean, yeah, we did something that is most likely frowned upon, but we did it for the benefit of the club.

We don’t blame one another for our mistakes, but Tornado made it clear that I fucked up.

“You put the blame on one of the few people who takes the club lifestyle into full effect,” Tornado sighs, leaning his head back and shutting his eyes.

“Fuck off,” I scoff and dust my vest off. “He’s just pissed off that I didn’t tell him.”

“Are you seriously that shallow, or are you just stupid?” He asks incredulously.

“Watch it,” I warn, though it falls on deaf ears.

“I don’t think I will.” Sitting up, he grunts with effort. I don’t hesitate to jump up and help him to readjust. He swats my hands away, doing it himself. “You put the blame of our mistake onto him. He asked about the club, not himself. Actually, I think he clarified that point several times. Unfortunately for him, that’s not what you wanted to hear. I don’t know what went down between you two while I was down and out, but that’s not how you treat someone you care about.”

“I don’t remember asking you for presidential advice nor relationship advice,” I sneer flatly.

“Which is sad because now I can’t invoice you for it.” He reaches for his water, but I manage to beat his slow moving reactions. “You and I put Leather on the spot when she wanted to talk about shit alone with you. Then, you do things privately and without moving to vote.”

“If I remember correctly, the bylaws allow me to do that,” I retort, though I can feel the fire leaving me. Now that I’m actually sitting and thinking, I realize just how fucking stupid that was.

“Actually, they don't. Only emergent situations or ones that need to be classified due to privacy or other discretionary circumstances.”

“You wouldn’t say that’s a discretionary circumstance?” I ask rhetorically, knowing damn well what the answer is.

“Nope, I sure wouldn’t,” he answers all too smugly. “Then, you proceed to tell him that he’s being selfish and wanting in on the secrets while undermining whatever relationship you two had built.”

Opening my mouth to deny any relationships, I realize that he’s fucking right. Not that I will tell him.

“So, what are you going to do to make it up to him?”

“Apologize?” I ask, which causes an immediate laugh from Tornado. “He’s not one for grand gestures,” I defend. Just as I say it, I know that’s not true. He loves big things planned just for him.

“Now you just have to figure out what you’re going to do,” he sighs, his eyes finally closing. Once his breathing evens out, I’m left with my own thoughts.

What the fuck is happening to me?

“We can’t do this alone,” I say softly, looking down at the books around us. We’ve been trying to figure out a strategy to get Leather back, but none of them fare any differently than the last. We don’t have eyes on the inside, and we don’t have concept layouts for the compound. Unless we can get someone who knows the place inside and out, there’s no telling what we’ll be walking into.

“What about just calling Daryn?” Knuckles pipes up, his arms crossed over his chest tightly. His fists are balled tightly, and his jaw is tightly clenched shut. I can’t tell if he meant to say that or not, but everyone’s brows shoot to their hairlines.

“Who?” Phisher asks, pausing his incessant typing.
