Page 5 of Leather Dreams

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“You taste so good,” I growl, knowing the vibrations would make it better. She rasps incoherent words, her legs shaking and shuddering above me. She tastes like fucking heaven, which I definitely never thought of before.

She’s been on my radar for a while, yet she never appeared to be interested in others. Her only focus was the club. That, and sex. But mostly the club. Now that I have caught her in a…precarious situation, I have every intention of making her my last meal.

She begins to unravel, hips rotating against my face, taking what she wants.

“Take it,” I growl, smacking my palm on her ass. Jolting, she rocks harder into my face as I continue to flick and suck on her clit. The little bud is swollen and hard as I make out with it.

“Just like that!” Her body goes still, hands slamming to grasp the headboard as her legs violently start to shake. “Oh god!” She screams, wetness pouring from her as she explodes over me. I take it all, devouring and consuming her as she squirms with oversensitivity. Her shocked face meets mine as we simply stare at one another.

It’s like something just…clicked. She scrambles off of me, covering herself with her duvet once more. I don’t know what came over us, but it wasn’t like anything else I would ever experience. I hate repeated sex because that means feelings, but with her…

“Leather,” I start. Just as I’m about to try and tie words together, there’s a knock on the door.

We both go still, silencing our breaths as much as possible. Scrambling, we both start getting our clothes back on. I slam my pinky toe into the bottom of the bed, a silent curse leaving my lips while I straighten myself.

“Leather?” A deep voice calls from the other side, causing us both to stare in disbelief.


Chapter Four


“Prez is going to fucking kill me,” the prospect sighs, running his hand through his hair. Clapping him on the back, I chug the rest of my beer.

“Nah,” I deny, squeezing his shoulder before letting go. “It’s not your job. We’re executioners for a reason. Don’t sweat it. He probably hasn’t gotten laid in a few hours.” The prospect barks a stressed laugh before nodding.

“Maybe. He said he was going to find Leather. I have not been able to find anything on this damn gang, yet she’s been on a roll.” He waves the bartender down, swishing his cup for a refill.

“Again, it’s not your job. You don’t have the resources nor bargaining chips that we do. We’ve got leverage, you don’t. Don’t stuff your cock up your ass about it.” I get up, deciding to go find the man of the hour. Gliding by his office, I’m stopped by the annoying voice right as I prepare to knock.

“He’s not in there,” Janet sneers, glancing down at her nails. “He went to find Pleather.”

“You know Pleather would kill you for that, right? Disrespect is a big thing with members,” I retort, crossing my arms over my chest. Leather doesn’t take shit from jacket pickers, only because she’s been burned by them before. Leather used to be more smiley, her excitement for life used to be palpable and contagious. Now, it was like she couldn’t care less about life. She only cared for the wellbeing of the club and its members, becoming an executioner for that reason alone. Everyone knows Leather doesn’t give a fuck now. She’s practically ruthless. Everyone knows she will gladly burn in hell just to enact revenge.

Janet pales for a minute before her mask falls back in place, her beady eyes narrowing on me and a sneer on her face.

“Well, tell your Prez to make me a cutter then. I would look better in a cut than she does, and I dare her to try and kill me.” She squints before shrugging, twirling a piece of hair between her fingers. “Either way, he went to her. So, they are probably boning while they give each other whatever diseases.”

“The only one giving ‘diseases’ is you. She earned her spot in the club with blood and sweat while you fucked your way in. There’s a difference so don’t get confused. Be glad to be a jacket picker. You were one and done, Jenny. Get over it.”

“It’s Janet,” she snaps, slamming a manicured hand on the wall.

“Shows how much I care,” I retort. “She’s not a whore, but I can tell that you’re projecting.” Turning on my heel and walking off before she can say anything else, I hide a smug cackle. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t been killed yet. Debating between his office or her room, I decide hers. That’s her comfort zone, one that she only lets select people into.

She’s not one to just let people wander in. I know Leather gets overwhelmed with the amount of people that come around the bar but understands that we need the influx of customers. Unfortunately for her, that means the constant noise.

We tried getting her to move out and into a house that the gang rallied up. She wasn’t having it, though. She wanted to be near the club in the event that something happened. By that, I mean she gets a tip off and can’t sneak out without someone catching her. You’d think that would be a prime reason to be on her own. She’s got this thing where she really has no sight on her will to live. When we go into guards or hunts, she will dive in head first. No matter the circumstances, she would die for her club. It’s a great quality to have, but it’s a bit too much since she’s had a few close calls. In all, she understands that her limited will to live isn’t exactly right.

So, she stayed here. I have only caught her sneaking out once, which ended with us finding some douchebag attempting to rape a teenager.

Shuddering, I reach my hand up and pause.

“Just like that, fuck, yes!” A feminine voice calls, obviously about to orgasm. My mouth drops into an O. “Oh god!” She screams. My stomach rolls, thinking about the possibilities. She doesn’t swing that way, and I only know that because she experimented a few years ago. It definitely wasn’t her thing. Another wild moan, and I immediately registered the voice.

Holy shit, that’s Leather. Her moans go on for what feels like hours, ranging from high pitch to needy groans. My cock strains in my pants as she blisses out. If that’s Leather, then…

Oh, Jesus fuck. Prez is in there? Apparently, he’s rocking her world because holy shit.
