Page 59 of Leather Dreams

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“Is Romeo thinking about his wedding again?” Sear chuckles, sipping his bear. Slamming my beer on the table, I turn toward the stairs with one person in mind.


I wanted to see her and ensure that she’s okay. Give her anything she might need during this transition. Not only that, but she’s been running on information overload and fumes.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I race to the bedroom. I stop just outside the door, not wanting to appear brash and slowly ease it open. The hinges shriek in protest, but that doesn’t seem to startle the two figures lying in bed. Prez has himself propped upward with a few pillows behind him while she uses him as her own. He turns slightly to look at me, nudging his head for me to enter. Shutting the door is more silent than opening it, and I tiptoe over to the duo.

“She’s out,” I muse quietly, admiring the peacefulness of her face.

“Yeah, barely. Not without touching me.” Even in the low lighting, his face lights up brightly as if he’s proud of being anything she needs.

“Hurry up and lay down,” the queen grumbles from her sleep, rolling onto her side. She kicks the covers back then doesn’t move.

“That’s your cue,” Prez chuckles, turning himself in the bed to spoon her.

Not having to be told twice, I strip out of my clothing, leave on my briefs, and climb into bed. Tucking her into my chest, we snuggle together tightly. Knuckles better hurry up if he wants in on this action.

Scratch that, he can fuck right off for now. I just want time with her.

Chapter Forty-Seven


Looking around the bar, I didn’t realize how late it really is. Pulling out my phone, it’s just after three in the morning, A yawn escapes me right when it registers the time. Waving the guys good night, they barely notice as I leave. My feet carry me heavily up the stairs and down the hall. I don’t hesitate to go into Prez’s room, ready to snuggle up next to him. Just as I step through the door, I realize there are already figures in the bed. Even with squinting, I can’t see very well. Lighting the flashlight on my phone, I shine the people and realize it’s Leather, Prez, and Tornado are in one small snuggle pile.

A groan leaves one of them from the pile, and Leather’s head shoots up for a brief moment. Her breathing becomes labored until Prez soothes her back down, informing her that it’s just me. She nods, instantly relaxing back into his embrace.

“Turn that off and get over here,” Tornado grumbles from the other side of the bed. I can’t help the soft chuckle that escapes me as I unbuckle my jeans and kick them off.

Prez glances over his shoulder, then does a double take as my cock bounces in my boxers. I’m hard from the view of them snuggling. Rolling my eyes, it’s just an obvious piece of my affection for them. It doesn’t help that I saw two out of three of them naked, so…

Walking over to the bed, I look over the bed and find an open spot. After a minute of standing there awkwardly, Leather roughly jolts Tornado, and he rolls with a grumble. She pats the bed behind her and that’s exactly where I crawl in. Curling into my side, she gets as close as humanly possible before going still. A second later, she’s trying to squish herself even closer. Laughing silently, I push one arm under her pillow to prop her head on, and the other wraps around her waist tightly. Only after I pull her close and lock her in does she finally seem to relax.

Taking my own deep breath, I relish in the feeling of her warmth against me. I don’t know how she is going to react to them telling her everything. I can’t be sure they haven’t already, but I also don’t believe she would have jumped into bed with them right after. Maybe if they let her play Domme she might. She’s too hard headed for that, so I nix that option. They didn’t exactly say when they were going to tell her everything, just that they wanted to break the news to her and get it out of the way.

Taking into account how frightened she got after hearing the music in the car before we left had all of us concerned for her. I just hope telling her won’t be some kind of breaking point for her. My brain runs a mile a minute, and Leather must catch on because she starts scratching my scalp. My eyes close on their own accord, my brain finally slowing down, shutting up long enough for me to drift off to sleep.

A hand slams over my face, and I startle awake, irritation bubbling inside me. Before I have a chance to snap, it moves away from me and is replaced with a set of lips. I can’t tell if I’m dreaming because they slowly travel down my face, over my throat, and onto my torso. Warmth trails in the wake of them, leaving the wet spot to cool with the air around us. An arm is wrapped around my torso loosely, unaware that someone is invading the space.

Pinching my eyes open, Leather has Prez’s cock wrapped in her hand as her mouth makes its way toward mine. Prez has his eyes closed, brows pinched, and I can’t tell if he’s sleeping or not. Tornado hasn’t stirred from the other side of me, so I guess he’s not affected by this display of affection.

“You want me?” She asks softly, the hot breath of her voice casting goosebumps over my skin from the cool aired contrast. All I can do is nod. The wicked grin I know and love breaks out over her face as she glides lower and lower…

“Wait,” I gasp, grabbing her hand as it starts to reach into my boxers. “Wait.” She sits up, letting go of Prez who looks both equally relieved and frustrated.

“Do you not want me anymore?” She whispers, her eyes pooling with wetness. Alarm bells start going off in my brain. This level of…self-consciousness has never been seen from her before. She’s the secure one, telling us that she’s the baddest bitch around, or whatever she actually says. Seeing her sitting here with tears in her eyes because she thinks I had rejected her…maybe she’s as deep into this as I am.

“That’s not it, and you know it,” I rasp, my throat still partially dry from sleep. Blinking rapidly to get my groggy eyes to focus, I notice Prez is also rubbing his eyes with confusion.

She sniffles softly, her eyes glancing over my shoulder. I follow her gaze to see Tornado with a soft look in his eyes. Almost like…understanding? His hand stretches over my exposed body and grasps hers. She flickers her saddened gaze to him before looking back at her lap. From what I can see in the dimly lit room, there seems to be a pink tint on her cheeks. Thankfully, she doesn’t push away from us. She holds on tightly to his hand as though it’s a lifeline.

Prez lays a hand on the back of her neck, rubbing into the muscles there. She sways lightly with the pressure, her eyes drooping the longer he does it. None of us say anything, just letting her slowly put herself to sleep. Prez and Tornado make eye contact before myself and Prez lock gazes. There’s a level of concern written over his face, and I can read it pretty openly.

I don’t want her to feel rejected at all, but I also don’t want to use her when she’s not at a point to consent appropriately. If she can tell us why she wants to make love to the three of us, then we may concede. However, she’s gone through almost two weeks worth of torture before we were able to locate and extract her. That’s plenty of time for anyone’s balance to be tilted off kilter, both mentally and physically.

Tornado keeps her hand in his while I gently lower her and I to lay back down. Prez continues to massage the back of her neck, and we all watch as she slowly lets go of the tension. I swear we hardly breathe as she goes back down. Once her soft snores are heard, we all exhale harshly.

“What was that?” Tornado mutters, reaching behind himself to check the time. It’s just after seven, which is what time I would start getting up for the gym if I didn’t stay out so damn late.
