Page 60 of Leather Dreams

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“No clue, man,” Prez mumbles and lets out an oomph as he slumps back down onto the pillow. Rubbing his eyes roughly, he also looks like he’s going back out. Glancing over my shoulder, Tornado and I nod at one another. We crawl out of the bed and let those two get some more rest. Yawning, we both stumble to the bathroom. I start the shower with my back turned to Tornado as he uses the restroom. We move around when he’s done, swapping places so I can finish my business.

“Mind if I join?” He asks sleepily. “I don’t think I can make it through the day without taking one.”

“Sure.” Nodding my head, I flush and step under the warm spray with him. Not thinking anything of it, I walk right into his arms and rest my head against his chest. As if we’ve done this a million times, he wraps his arms around my body. My eyes shut on their own accord as he rests his head on my hair. We stand under the warm water pouring from the showerhead.

We step away from one another to wash, but I didn’t expect him to want to wash me. Squinting my eyes suspiciously, he just grins tiredly.

“I like taking care of you,” he assures, circling his finger for me to move. I eye him suspiciously for another moment before turning around. He tilts my head up and begins scrubbing my scalp. The noise I make would not be classified as innocent even though the action is very much not sexual. It wouldn’t matter, because my already hard cock that was starting to deflate juts back up to attention. I have to ball my fists to keep from grabbing it and relieving myself.

Tornado takes another step closer to me, and I feel the head of his cock pressing into my back. I’m already struggling, and I never would have thought the feeling of him or another male would get me remotely turned on. Yet, here I am. Turned on and leaking for a taste of him. Again, I remind myself that it’s not appropriate right now. Leather deserves an explanation before any of us start hopping back into bed with one another. We owe it to ourselves and her to be completely transparent. Though, on the other side of the coin, it’s not my story to tell. If they don’t get on it, someone is going to beat them to the punch. They better hope it’s not Daryn, because I can almost guarantee there’s nothing worse than hearing the news of a potential betrayal from your dead brother.

“Rinse,” he commands softly. I turn around with my head still turned up and rinse the soap from my hair. He brings his hands up to assist, but I smack them away playfully.

“If your intent is to get me hot and bothered, you accomplished that with the head scrub. Hands off,” I tease. He chuckles and starts lathering himself up. “Do I not get a turn to wash your hair?”

“Nope,” he smiles, rolling his shoulders back. “One, I’m taller and don’t want to hurt my back. Two, I already told you that I enjoy taking care of you. That goes for Leather too. Prez is a different breed, and I truly think he and I will share that responsibility.”

“You guys are weird, that’s for sure,” I chuckle before lathering myself completely with body wash. The scent reminds me of Leather and how she used to compliment me when I first got this cheap shit. I used colognes and other expensive soaps, but the second I got the stuff that wasn’t more than a few dollars, she noticed. Ever since then, I have bought the damn thing. She did complain about the effects of it on my skin and the benefits of using a different one, but they don’t make her as happy as this one. When she would hug me, her face lit up just a smidge. I would hear her little inhale with her nose in my neck. It would have been stupid to point it out, but I noticed.

When it comes to Leather…I notice.

Tornado and I swap places, and I get out. I dry quickly before realizing I didn’t bring any clothes in here with me. Cracking the door open, I tiptoe through the room to mine and Tornado’s backpacks before bringing them back to the bathroom.

“Something smells yummy,” Leather mumbles to Prez, and I have to hold in my laugh. Finishing the walk to the bathroom, I get dressed quickly. I want to go downstairs to get breakfast for Leather and Prez, then to have a group conversation that could either make us stronger or end things all together.

Chapter Forty-Eight


The morning flies by. Prez and I didn’t end up waking up until around eleven when Knuckles and Tornado surprised us with breakfast. Knuckles pulled me in tightly for a hug, one that I didn’t realize I needed. I inhaled deeply while in his neck, and I immediately felt at home.

Even with the comfort of breakfast and having the three men who mean the most to me near, something still feels off. I can’t explain the feeling, but it’s as if they are all waiting for the perfect time. What are they waiting for? I have no idea. It’s like they are biding their time. Now that it’s just after one in the afternoon and the time for us to leave is coming up, I realize that I can’t keep going without knowing everything.

We all sit on the bed in silence. The guys don’t touch me, but they don't need to. I know they are here and waiting for me to make the first move.

Maybe I should bring up their lack of being able to find me? What about the letter? There’s so much shit they need to explain that I’m just overwhelmed. I’m so damn overwhelmed that I don’t know how to bring it up. Admitting honesty to myself is harder than it is to others, but I can finally digest that I wanted to use them to stave my anger. If they were willing to fuck me, then I knew they weren’t serious about me. Though, now that I have a second to think about it, that makes me even angrier.

“How long?” I ask, staring at the floor. The guys brought my running shoes from the house, yet it feels weird to have my feet so close to the ground instead of my boots.

“How long for what?” Knuckles returns, his brows furrow in confusion. My gaze flickers to Prez with incredulity, and he has the nerve to look guilty.

“Almost two weeks,” he says softly, meeting my gaze straight on. “We tried to come sooner.” He doesn’t explain anymore even after I give him a look that would kill him if it could.

“Your transmitter was working, that’s why,” Tornado fills in the blank. “It took us a while to find the men to figure out how to find you, then we were able to get ahold of Daryn.”

“There’s a lot that you don’t know. We want to try and clear stuff up for you but have no idea where to start,” Knuckles finishes for them in perfect sync. If the situation were any different, I would probably laugh at them. Since my irritation outweighs the happiness in this moment, I can’t bring myself to even point out their synchronization.

“How about you start from the fucking top?” I spit, regressing in guilt almost immediately. Taking a few deep breaths, I look up toward the ceiling for a higher power to grant me patience.

“Tornado is from Big D Raiders,” Prez announces. I immediately fly off the bed, unable to stop the natural instinct to get away. They follow quickly, standing with their hands out to stop me. Cautiously, I take several steps away from them. “He was blackmailed into staying, he didn’t have a choice.”

“Everyone has a choice!” I shout. Maybe it’s for the best that I don’t have my gun. Irrational? Yes. Do I care? No. “The stupid club is one of the largest profiting clubs in the area of trafficking, and you want me to throw caution to the wind? I saw the shit they did to those kids, the torture that they went through! I can’t even rehash it because of how awful it was. If you saw that shit, you’d understand.”

“Take a breath,” Knuckles says, bringing his hands out toward me. I swivel toward him ready to rip into him too, but there’s a look in his eye that stops me. I can’t explain the look, but it’s enough for me to roll my shoulders back and wait.

“I was blackmailed, as we said. The evidence was daming, but it was misconstrued and not what was actually happening. Once I figured out what they were doing, I wanted to dip. I was reaching out to sister branches to try and get out. Armstrong was willing to sign because he was stepping down, but Heckles wasn’t ready to let me go. I did the dirty work without realizing what it was for. I beat myself up everyday for the part I played, but I can’t change the past,” Tornado explains with conviction. The lump in my throat slowly starts diminishing, but I can’t take his word as gospel yet.

“Heckles forced me to stick around and see it out. He wanted insight on another club, which just so happened to be the club I was accepted into. Silent Renegade,” he pauses, glancing at Knuckles and Prez. “We came for a face to face meeting. I left my phones in the saddle bags while they disconnected the wiretap Heckles put on me. We made it seem like there was a signal jam. We agreed that I would pretend to be on their side, but really trying to get things rolling here. Heckles main mission was for me to find the girl who hurt him and tried to ruin him. I came here right after Armstrong stepped down, and Daryn took over.”
