Page 13 of Adam

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Over the next few months, things seemed to go well until they didn’t. Kevin came home frustrated one day and vented about needing money to get out of a situation at work. I sat and let him talk and talk just to get it out. He ranted about the money raised to build wells for water so the local people didn’t have to walk so far for water. Kevin was working for an umbrella company for DuPont Enterprises, which sponsored the financial missions. Following the money trail led him to uncover the ruse of it all. He grumbled under his breath that this wasn’t what he had signed up for. “I have to fix this. Do the right thing, Grafton.”

He made little sense, so when he abruptly left, I reached out to Greg to get some more information. I know it was a shit thing to do behind his back, but I selfishly needed clarification to help him. If I could put the jumbled puzzle pieces in his head together, then maybe it won’t be so painful for him.

Greg gave me what he could without breaking confidentiality, but in the end, it was to help the business financially. They needed funding to help build more wells overseas in poverty-stricken areas or areas that could have contaminated ponds or bodies of water so people didn’t have to travel so far to gather water. They would have a water source almost at their fingertips. The equipment needed to drill for the water would sometimes be thousands of feet under the earth to tap into the source and place a casing to keep the water clean and free of dirt and contaminants. Greg had asked the men to donate part of their retirement plan to help these struggling villages since the donations had come up short from DuPont Enterprises. Without a second thought, I offered almost all my savings over to Greg on my brother’s behalf. Kevin must have believed in the cause for him to be so upset. Sometimes his rants never made sense, but this one was about the financial difficulty and trying to do the right thing. He was genuinely heartbroken and couldn’t tell me why.

Greg assured me that my financial contribution was for the good of the company and would save the project. From the first time I met Greg, he gave me an unsettling feeling. He’s asked me out several times and I’ve always said no. He has yet to take the hint that I’m not interested. It didn’t feel right, plus—he’s Kevin’s boss.

When Kevin found out what I had done with my savings, it devastated him. If you have never seen a good person lose their shit, let me tell you, it felt like the doors of hell opened up and the devil himself escaped. He yelled and screamed at me. “You don’t know what you’ve done,” is all he kept saying to me.

He left that night and I haven’t heard from him since. It kills me. I just wanted to help.

I would go to my favorite coffee shop almost every day in hopes he would show up, but he never did. Instead, I met a man who I couldn’t shake from my mind. John Peterson. It’s like he appeared just as Kevin disappeared. The way he looked at me like he saw me. His eyes were hypnotizing. Calling me to him as I willingly walk toward him. I did something I never do and approached that man. A man I’ve never met and I don’t regret it for one minute.

I know firsthand that looks are only a small part of a person. The more we talked, the more I found myself drifting into his lane, unable to avoid the collision. A girl can swoon right, like swoon hard. He is a general contractor and the educational knowledge that comes with the job only pushes my interest in him more. Intellectual conversation is a woman’s porn. The mind is a beautiful thing, and that’s what draws a girl like me in. Oh, and his gruff voice. I could see myself throwing a book at him and demanding he read to me. John Peterson, even the name sounds like a vision of a husband trimming the bushes behind the white picket fence. He could trim my bush. I could feel my mind swirl in excitement with John’s frustrated reaction to Greg asking me out. I am not a confident person, but that made me feel more powerful than I had ever felt before.

When he quoted Les Mis. My panties instantly became wet with lust. You, John Peterson, can jump in my pants now, please.

Since our first coffee date, the texting between us has been innocent. Now they are becoming laced with the hint of sexual desire.

I went back and forth on how I could get out of my date with Greg. Finally deciding that last-minute cancelation and blaming it on work would be the best way to go. I had already made the excuse of being busy with work before, so he wouldn’t think twice if they held me up at work. A part of me wished I felt differently toward Greg. He is a handsome man. That five-o’clock shadow that falls along his jaw is sexy. Well established in his work and owns his own home. The definition of a perfect spouse who would take care of me. His cockiness is the feature that stops further feelings. I need a layer of softness that he just doesn’t have. Greg never texted back. Maybe he finally got the hint once and for all.

I woke up the next morning to a selfie from John. He is on a jobsite with large bulldozers and a massive crane behind him. Some dust has settled in the background, which causes a haze from the sunrise. John’s eyes shine bright without a hint of exhaustion. He’s a morning person. I could see his muscular tattooed arms flexing perfectly in his short-sleeve tight shirt. The worn leather tool belt that hangs from his perfect hips gives me all the dirty thoughts.

Good morning! Hope you are having a great day! His message is short, simple. Yet it still pulls a massive smile from my lips.

I pinch my cheeks and flatten my wild hair before I take a selfie in bed. Two can play at this game, John Peterson. I send it off with a caption. So far, it’s been amazing.

I see bubbles appear and then disappear before his text finally comes through. That bed looks too comfortable to be left. Is there even room for one more?

I’m a bit confused as to his text until I pull up my selfie and see my dog, Max, sprawled out behind me. He is lying on his back, his whole body open to the world. My phone slips out of my hand as I laugh hard. I was so focused on trying to look cute and sexy that I didn’t even think of Max.

I quickly pick my phone up and text back with a wink emoji. “There is always room for one more.”

The pup wouldn’t mind?

He welcomes all cuddles.

Dots appear and then disappear as I wait for his response. I’ll make a date for that.

I’m doing a happy dance in my bed, and my cheeks burn with excitement. My phone dings again and the blush only intensifies.

Want to do lunch tomorrow?

Do I want to do lunch tomorrow…? I have a packed schedule, but if you want to meet me at the York building, then we can go to THE best food truck!

Sounds perfect. I’ll text you when I’m coming.

I take a few deep breaths and hop out of bed. I dance around the room for a minute before I walk into the bathroom and start the shower. Today is a power suit day to impress the big boss, Mitchell DuPont. He’s a stern old man and looks at women like objects. The first time I met him, he gave me chills. He is a money-hungry man who will stop at nothing for his self-pampering. He’s the pure definition of a high-class asshole. A family that comes from money that is traced generations back. This man doesn’t know what it’s like to struggle. He doesn’t care about people; he only cares about his bottom line. His condescending words haven’t fazed me, however, and they won’t. I am one of the few people he hasn’t made cry, which says a lot.

I wait for the water to warm up and I quickly send a text off to my brother again. Kevin, I know you are still mad, but I love you. I’ll always love you. Miss you. Text me back something? Please?

I beg for a response. Every day for two weeks, I’ve texted and haven’t heard one blip out of him.

I’ll try again tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. He never gave up on me, and I will never give up on him.

Just text anything. I leave it for today and keep my fingers crossed.

