Page 18 of Adam

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“The percentage of that bill versus the tip.” She shakes her head.

“You said this was the best. Now, that bill goes to waste if you are lying!”

“I don’t lie!” she exclaims.

“Then that money is where it needs to be.”

She is still eyeing me with astonishment. If she only knew where that dirty money had been.

“Now.” I try to distract her. “We are about to share food.”

She takes a small step toward me. “Yes, we are.”

“And we haven’t even kissed yet,” I say, whispering to her and watching her take a deep breath.

Her chest rising and falling with excitement is enthralling. I cup her face with both of my hands as I stare into her green eyes. I take a moment to absorb this point in time. The size of my hands and how they cover most of her cheeks as my thumbs cherish the softness of her skin. It’s been a few years since anyone has been this close to me.

I lean in and gently place my lips on hers. Silence fills my mind as her coffee breath fills my mouth. My tongue searches hers, hoping to drink the last drop of coffee she had this morning. I feel her fingers grip the arms of my shirt. I have to force myself away from her. When I pull back, I look into her beautiful green eyes. “Adam, you… are royally fucked.”

“Order up, lovebirds!” the cook yells, pulling us farther apart.

I turn and nod to him as I walk to the truck. I grab a few utensils and napkins and walk back to Reese. She’s found a small table in this side yard to sit at. As soon as we are both seated, I notice her eyeing me. I fake a cough and hand her a fork. Instead of taking it, she grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a heated kiss. If I ever thought a kiss could match this… Fuck, I can’t think straight.

She finally relents and lets me breathe. I curse the air I have to breathe without her mouth on mine. Reese takes the fork from my hands and begins to eat. I follow along and there’s a comfortable silence between us.

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” she asks.

Going home to solve the problem of the raging hard-on you gave me. “Nothing. Was going to create a few floor plans for a local couple I’m in town for. They are friends of my sister.”

She takes a few bites and nods her head. “Could I ask you to come up? I could use your brain.”

“Sure, happy to help.” I shrug my shoulders. Raging hard-on will have to wait.

“Oh!” she squeaks. She swallows the large mouthful of food. Jesus, she loves hibachi. “Kevin called me! Finally!”

She is almost bouncing out of her skin. “Really? How’s he doing?”

“He sounded strained. Better than when he left though, so that’s a positive. He didn’t say he hated me.”

“How could anyone hate you?”

She blushes and puts her fork down. “I still feel awful. I tried to take it back, but Greg said the money had already been spent and would take a while to come back.”

“I’m sure Kevin knows,” I try to comfort her. The money will never come back, neither will Greg.

“Have you heard from him?”

“Greg?” she asks and I nod. “No, thank God!”

I laugh and sit taller. Bet your ass he won’t. Reese goes on about not calling him back that night and how much work this reconstruction is for her team. She doesn’t shut up about it. I feel slightly bad. Just kidding. I don’t. A wealth of knowledge and she doesn’t even realize the door she’s opening.

She finally sits back in her chair, cupping her stomach.

“This food baby is happy.” She points.

She is so strange, innocent, and perfect. Stay straight, Adam, mission first, then…

“So, what’s this problem you have?” I distract myself.
