Page 19 of Adam

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“Mr. DuPont wants to convert the thirty-fifth floor to his office. He’s moving most of his business operations to this building. Merging, as he says,” she states. “A few floors down, he is reconfiguring that floor for all the top executives.”

I nod and pick up our trash to throw away. Reese stands and straightens her slacks. I lick my lips and let my mind wander. Is her skin as smooth all over?Back to it, Adam. I internally slap myself in the face.

I follow along behind her to the building that needs my attention. I watch how she interacts with security. They focus on her and they do not pay me any mind until she introduces me. It’s only then that I exist. They nod at me through the security window and Reese hits the button for the elevators. I stand next to her and observe everything I can.

I keep myself together for the security cameras that I assume follow her. We take the elevator up to the thirty-fifth floor, where the doors open to a massive construction scene. There are tools, ladders, saws, materials for everything you could think of out in front of me. It looks disorganized and sloppy.

“This”— She points around— “He wants unobstructed views of the city. But, the engineers are fighting with the project management team on how the beams need to be laid. They are saying we can’t have unobstructed views and need to have more support poles.”

All I see are the pillars that need to fall, causing the internal collapse of this structure. I’m refraining from an evil laugh.

“It would be nice, but not safe. You could see about doubling up in certain areas to reduce the number of pillars needed,” I say.

She hums and walks around, looking at the tall ceilings. I walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the view. I can see why DuPont would want to make this his floor. The views are exquisite. The view of the river, city, parks, and other historical buildings. Good choice, not my choice. Too much noise, yet being this high up offers both sanctuary and control.

Reese comes and stands next to me and my hand twitches to touch her. It’s quiet as we look around below us.

“It is almost like you are flying,” she declares.

“Exhilarating,” I say.

The elevator dings, pulling us from our temporary paradise. The construction workers pile onto the floor and Reese heads off to meet them. I look out the window and take a deep breath.

I turn back and walk toward Reese and I look down at my watch, It’s 1325 hours. I look up at her while she holds a regretful smile.

“I have to get back to work,” she pouts.

I nod and walk to the elevator, and to my surprise, she is right with me.

“You don’t have to walk me out. I’m sure I can find my way out,” I offer.

“Security reasons, that’s why I have to come. Also, selfish reasons. I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.”

I see you, Reese Grafton, you sly woman. We get in the elevator and her phone dings with a text. She pulls it out to read and huffs.

“I have to stop by my office on the way down. Is that OK?”


She pushes the buttons, and it’s a few floors down. The doors open and people are bustling about, almost in a panic.

“What’s going on?” I ask, looking around.

“Big boss coming in,” is all she says. She walks quickly to her office and I try to keep up as she moves through the crowd of coworkers. Finally, she gets to her office. I stand at her door while my head is looking back and forth between her shuffling through cabinets and the mass of people.

The elevator dings. Everyone’s demeanor changes. When the doors open, Mitchell DuPont steps away from the elevator. Fucker! He walks and nods to his employees like he cares, and it’s then I realize who he is with. Senator Townes. Chase Master’s boss.

That’s the senator that Chase was lobbying for. The one to pull for funding. Another puzzle piece falls into place.

“Got it!” she yells and stands. “Stay right here. I’ll be back.”

She leaves to meet her boss and the senator. She hands him a file and I clench my fist behind my back. If I hadn’t cut my nails, then most surely I’d draw blood. Mitchell DuPont pays Reese her salary, contributes to her retirement, then has the lowest man on the food chain convince Reese to invest back into a company she believes to be separate from where she works. She’s almost working for free with DuPont pocketing his cash! Fuck, he’s washing dirty money! Now he’s got the senator’s ear and is in his pocket.

I watch her work this man and he seems impressed with whatever he hears. I’ll know more when I open the cloned phone, but I’m sure I have a good idea of what’s happening.

He gives her the “well done kid” gesture, and she walks back toward me.

Glancing at my watch, I give her a sorrowful look. “I really must go. Meeting and all.”
