Page 20 of Adam

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We walk to the elevators and climb in. When the door closes, she slides her hand in mine. The warmth from her skin is soothing my anger. The big boss is taking advantage of her and countless others. No one knows or sees.

When we get to the ground floor, she walks me outside. I turn to face her and just want a moment to take a mental picture. The way she looks and feels. The way she walks through the world with such beauty.

There can never be a happily ever after for us. I’ll break her heart to save her future.

I lean to kiss her lips, savoring the taste that lingers from lunch. My mind swirls back to the espresso with a light cream taste.

“I’ll talk to you soon,” I whisper.

“Can’t wait.” She winks at me.

Oh, Adam, you fool. I have my list; my plan. As I walk away, she shouts out to me.

“Hey, John!” I turn to look at her. “Don’t be a stranger!”




Money is the root of all evil. It is what drives this world.

It’s a revolving door set up by greed, humility, and power. Those who have it flaunt it and use it. When asked, What would you do for a dollar? They would do pretty much anything in most cases.

Senator Frank Townes is the puss in the pimple on Mitchell DuPont’s face.

His fall would be a tremendous blow to DuPont and his organization. Senator Townes is publicly the golden child of the capital. His smooth-talking, Bible-thumping text, kissing babies for mercifulness, and compassionate exterior only hide the side of the lackey’s devil.

Chase Masters has a rainy-day file. Had a rainy-day file. This file now belongs to me. This exposure could land not only the senator in hot water but shift DuPont Enterprises’ bottom line down.

I’ve trimmed my hair and shaved my face. My skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. I apply a few fake freckles to my face, wanting to look wholesome and all-American. Carson Davis, news correspondent. Slicking my hair back just right, putting in fake teeth that make my smile look brighter and bigger. I grab my press credentials, pinning them to my press coat. It’s not an exact match for him, but it’s close enough. I’ve fooled a few of the security guards at the government building. Either they are dumb, or I am just that good.

I walk up the steps of the government building. Walking through the historic doors, I show my press badge and hold up my luggage.

“Where is your cameraman?” They ask.

“Family vacation. Can you believe it?” I shake my head. “We get notice of a new venture for the senator and he’s off skiing with his wife and kids.”

“Lucky SOB! I’d kill for a day off.” The security guard laughs.

“Right? Politics never sleeps.”

“Right on, okay, Carson. Have a good afternoon. Are we still on for Fantasy Football league?”

“You bet! I won’t go easy on you this year. I’m going to win the Shiva!”

“The hell you will!” The security guard laughs. “Can’t let you win the Shiva!”

I turn and walk through the crowd of people. Type A personalities are dead that their way is the right way and they are the exception to the rules.

Following the halls to the senator’s wing, I made my way into the press lounge. I take my seat on the outer edge of the room and set up my camera. Situating myself just below the camera, I take out my phone. It’s 0827 hours and we are looking to be on schedule.

The press secretary comes in and does her introductions for the senator. She’s a pretty thing, but that’s about all you will get with her. Senator Townes comes in and stands at the microphone and adjusts the height so he doesn’t have to crane his neck.

My phone dings in my pocket, and I pull it out. Nothing on the screen. Another ding and I realize it’s my other phone. I quickly pull it out and see a text from Reese.

So, I did a thing today…
