Page 43 of Adam

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After the DuPont’s revelation about my ex, Jessica, I knew I needed to offer Kevin a chance at something. DuPont had ended the life we both lived and became our mission. I didn’t envision Reese being who she was. A stable point of distraction. Thinking of her now causes my palms to sweat. Jessica could easily have hurt her. Because of this, I asked Kevin if he was in on taking care of this roach. Thankfully, he happily accepted. I need him to help keep me focused on the end mission and he needs me to help ensure Reese’s safety.

This morning, I’m showing Kevin a few things about how to get in and out of places with no one noticing. It all reaffirms that the service did not make him for this underground world I currently live in. He did his duty and got out. It is admirable for whatever reason it was, but it shows in his work. Studying the building, we could sneak in unnoticed in plain sight and start taking in the apartment layout. Allison’s apartment is easy to get into for any maintenance person. The doorman is in a great financial position to keep turning his head. Between DuPont paying him to keep his eye on Allison, and Allison paying him to keep his mouth shut to the public, everyone wins. I win when he overlooks the fake work order from the landlord that lets Kevin and me into the building. It’s an open-concept loft apartment. She has covered the industrial decor with different hideous shades of white. Gaudy gold accents frame portraits. We have to be careful about what we touch. We walk through the kitchen and glance through the cupboards. I take out a few wineglasses from the front of the cabinet and rub my favorite substance over the rims. Kevin walks to the bedroom momentarily before emerging, feeling victorious. Calm down, little lamb, this takes time.

I look down at my watch and nod to Kevin that we need to go. I check behind us as we walk out to make sure we have left nothing behind. You can never be too cautious about this type of work.

Presently, Kevin and I are standing on a scaffold outside Allison’s apartment. We have been spending all day cleaning windows and taking our time getting to her apartment level. It’s toward the end of the day, and I know she will be home soon. I check my watch. It’s 1837 hours. She is a tad late, but it won’t hinder the plan. A moment later, Allison pushes through the door, tossing her Louis Vuitton bag across the room. Blissfully ignorant of our presence outside. She stomps through to the bedroom and takes off her heels. She walks around the bedroom while removing her jewelry and placing the expensive items on the small desk in the corner. Allison is a beautiful older woman but rotten on the inside. We watch her change into sexy lingerie to wind down for the night. She must be expecting someone. Walking to the kitchen, she is still so unaware of our existence. She grabs two wineglasses and pours one glass with a heavy hand.

Keep going. A little more. There you go.

She grabs the glass and the sorority girl chugs, placing the glass gently down, and I watch her take a deep breath. She pours another glass and checks her phone to see no new notifications.

Oh, Allison, are you expecting someone?

She grabs her glass and walks toward her room, swaying a bit in her steps while Kevin and I sit and wait. Allison stumbles, but I am impressed by how she never drops her wine. She staggers into her room and places the wineglass on her side table. Allison groans while falling onto the bed, rolling around. The room must be spinning because she all but sucked down that glass of wine. She is looking delirious. We need to wait for the right moment.

“Now?” Kevin asks. He is so impatient.

“No,” I firmly state. Someone has to be in control.

He lets out a frustrated huff as he presses his face against the window. I grab his collar and pull him back.

“Marks! On the window! Clean that shit up!” I point to his face print.

“Shit! You are right.” He quickly grabs spray and his squeegee, cleansing the glass.

Allison’s body stops moving, so I nod to Kevin that it’s time. We remove the harness and safety gear so that we can push through the open window that Kevin had unlatched earlier. Before stepping in, I motion that we need remove our shoes and leave them on the scaffold.

“Grab under her arms and I’ll get her legs,” I instruct him. “We just need to move her over to the other side of the room.”

Kevin loyally follows my instructions and we get this pampered princess across the room.

“Now, the fun begins.” I smile, dropping my backpack.

The front door jostles and I hold my finger up to my lips, telling Kevin to be quiet. He nods and moves behind the door. I stand in the middle of the room, waiting for the start of this shit show. She enters the room with her head down. Her blonde hair covering her face prevents her from noticing me. She is placing her keys into her purse and talking as if she were someone important.

“Babe! I am sorry I am late! I got held up at the office,” Jessica says. “I promise to make it up to you—”

“Hello.” I wave.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Were you not expecting me?” I grin.

“Why would I expect you?” Jessica sneers.

“You are so hell-bent on getting me back. Here I am!” I hold my arms out.

She looks over to Allison, who’s slouched over in a chair across the room. “You did this for me?”

“I did!” My lips taste the saliva that begs to escape just at the thought of never seeing this woman again.

She seductively walks near me and I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. I let her stand close to me as her fingers walk up my chest.

“Why couldn’t you just let it be the two of us?” She whips around to see Kevin quietly walking up. She throws her bag at him and rounds her elbow into my stomach.

“Oof!” I express, grabbing my stomach. Kevin tries to swat the purse and contents that fly at him.

She runs for the exit, but I drop and swipe my foot against her legs, causing her to tumble forward. Kevin grabs her arms, swinging her around. She wiggles loose and throws punches and elbows at Kevin. I stand watching to better assess his offensive skills, knowing his defensive skills are atrocious. He struggles to take control, but somehow, he successfully grabs her hand. She had faked a right hook and rounded with a left uppercut toward his chin. That was the opening he needed. He grasps her fists and spins her around. He has a good hold on her arms, keeping her close to him.
