Page 66 of Adam

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Kevin backs away and walks through the room. He grabs a bag and packs. I resume my packing as well, focused on who the author is. I grab my old worn-out jeans and throw them on, as well as my favorite baseball cap. An old green cap from a St. Patty’s Day celebration from when Kevin graduated from boot camp. I didn’t want sunglasses, and he became tired of me bitching about the sun in my eyes. He slapped the cap on my head and said, “Hush.” I wore it the entire weekend and when he was away. It’s never left my side.

I grab my bag and head out the door. “Meet you at the car,” I say over my shoulder.

I open the trunk and drop my bag on the ground next to me. Pulling up the lining where the spare tire is, I dig out a box. I hear the door to the motel close and look up at my stranger of a brother. I quickly put the lining back down as I pick up my bag and toss it inside the trunk. Kevin’s bag drops just next to mine. We walk around and, as if we were twins, get in the car with no hesitation.

I hand him the box to hold.

“What is this?” He shakes the box.

“Keys to paradise.” I put the car in drive and we take off.

Kevin opens the box and looks at me. “Jesus, Reese!” He stares at the passports and money. Credit cards in our names. I used the same names, thinking that if anyone looked for us, they would assume we had changed names. Pictures have been altered and Kevin matches him almost exactly. It’s why I had him shave his head. I just didn’t expect the tired, worn-out face to resemble it as well.

He shuts the box and lets it rest on his lap. I turn on the radio to listen to the morning radio show host talk about the news.

She briefly mentions the cabin and my body tenses. Her words match what the article said almost exactly, then she goes on about being thankful no one was there or hurt.

Bitch, everyone there was hurt. Because of me.

She then jokes about taking hot dogs to roast since the firefighter said it was a loss when they arrived. “Ah shit, you know they should’ve just brought hot dogs and such to make it a cookout. Someone dropped too much lighter fluid.”

Kevin turns the radio off and scratches his beard.

“She’s a ho.”

I laugh hard at his comment about the morning radio show host. He’s right. She’s a ho.

We drive around the airport and I pull into long-term parking. We sit back in the car for a moment and watch the airplanes take off and land. At this moment, I feel more alone than ever. Kevin doesn’t see past his own hurt. He never has, but I’ve lost everything, too.

“Where is Max?” Kevin nudges me.

Max, my savior, my ultimate heart.

“Neighbor agreed to take him until we return.”

“Until?” His one-word question is riddled with uncertainty.

“They will take good care of him.” I refuse to cry about this, only hoping that one day I can have my dog again. I can’t take this conversation anymore. Forcefully, I grab the keys and walk to the trunk. Grabbing my bag, I walk toward the terminal. I can hear Kevin’s stomping footsteps behind me.

“Stop this shit, Reese!” I stop and turn towards my brother. He falters and almost runs into me, stopping just short of plowing me down.

“Stop what?” I cock my head to the side.

“This morning is the first time I’ve ever seen you cry. What Is it with you? I feel like I don’t even know you!”

“Know me? You’ve never known me! You were always working, and I know, taking care of me! Left for boot camp and made me change schools so we could be close. Never said thank you for changing my life to be close to you, changing plans when you came home from deployment, especially that last time, you were so broken!” I throw my bag down on the floor. “When you used to go through your episodes, I got caught in one. You slammed me against the wall, screamed at me, and left bruises on my shoulders!”

Regret fills his eyes. But he wanted this conversation. You pushed for this.

“I vowed to get you out of that place. I worked my ass off to get you out of that place. “Now, look where we stand!” I throw my arms out to the side. “I gave up my place, my dog, my job… jobs per se… the man I love so could save you! Now, shut your goddamn mouth and get on the goddamn plane!”

I grab the box that has our new lives attached and pick up my bag. I head to the terminal to check in, not even looking back to see if Kevin is there. His presence is noted as his hand reaches for my bag. I am not in a good place, so I show him my shoulder. “I got it.”

We check in and I pretend to be happy to travel. The travel agent who checks us in doesn’t notice, thankfully. We check our bags with her and walk through security.


“Don’t talk to me. We have a long flight and I need to decompress. Shut your hole and let me sort my shit.” I all but beg for him to be quiet.
