Page 70 of Adam

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That fucking basement.

I swear to God I will never create a torture chamber in the basement of a log cabin. Yes, I had an escape plan in place, but it doesn’t work as well as you want when you are chained up… and the cabin is on fire.

I dislocate my thumb to wiggle one hand out of the restraints. That hurts like a bitch, but once I pop that sucker back in place, it gives me some relief. I move my body to where the other restraint is mounted on the wall and press on the top of the metal box that is affixed to the concrete, releasing a secret keyhole. Like I said, backup plan, just in case.

Pulling the spare key from the box, I finally release myself. I cough, my lungs trying to expel the smoke that is quickly filling the room. Shouting upstairs distracts me for a moment. My psychopathic mind smiles. I know they will get out and that I will find that mindfuck of a woman. She wants me to find her? Challenge accepted. I will taste you again. I hope she remembers that I have already found her once.

I drop to the ground and army crawl to the other side of the basement, where a metal shelving unit sits. I lie on my stomach and pull the bottom gently so I don’t make a sound.

The door upstairs slams shut and my heart bleeds with relief. Reese got Kevin’s ass out. He’s a hardheaded asshole.

Gripping the bottom shelf harder, I pull with everything I’ve got, causing the shelf to fall over. I have to roll out of the way so I don’t get crushed, but unfortunately, I roll onto a small bundle of fire. I slap my hand over my burning forearm to get the small flame put out. Feeling the dizziness, I realize the clean air in there is thinning out… fast.

I carefully stand and step over the fallen shelves and push open a hidden door. Stepping through the fresh air burns my lungs more than the hot smoke. I wheeze, trying to catch my breath. I hear more arguing from the front of the house. The car door slams and I take off into the woods as fast as I can, not looking back. Stumbling over limbs and rocks, I do everything I can to get away.

Deep in the woods, I stop and let my burning lungs rest. Looking at my arm, I see it is a second-degree burn. My thumb is purple and tingles with pain. I will need to splint that up and bandage the burn bubbles on the surface of my skin. I shake my head, looking at my jacked-up arm and hand.

“You were supposed to die.” I laugh while talking to myself. “Now look at you. Running after the devil.”

Once I catch my breath, I trek through the forest to get to the main road. I mess my hair up a bit more and rub dirt on my face and clothes, trying to mask the smoke smell as best I can. I hold my hand out with my thumb high, hoping for anything. Cars whiz by without a second thought. Finally, an elderly man stops just before me. I walk to the passenger side as he rolls the window down.

“Where to, son?” His voice cracks.

“Next fire station.”

“Do you need to call 9-1-1?” he asks.

“Yeah, please.” I nod as he hands me the phone. The voice on the other line is quick to answer. “Hi, my name is Liam Payne. Looks like a large fire off Route 39. There is no physical address, but it’s near Ashton Lake.”

She asks a few more questions that I struggle to answer. I end up hanging up on her, handing the phone back to the gentleman.

“Would it be possible to drive me to the fire station?” I ask.

“Hop in the back. You smell nasty.” He points to the bed of the truck.

I nod and jump in the back. He slowly drives down the road, and I watch helplessly as my sanctuary of a cabin burns away. The only thing I can see is the mass of smoke that is projecting from the woods. That is the only way I know where it is.

The old man turns a corner, and the smoke is out of my sight line. I lean my head on the back window of the truck and rest my eyes for a bit. We drive for a while before he pulls over to the side of the road. I look over and there sits the fire station. I climb out and nod as I wave, thanking him for the ride.

I creep slowly up to the station and notice that no one is around. Squatting, I pick the lock, gaining entrance to a safe place. I look around and note the layout of everything. I find the medical supply closet and immediately find myself looking at the lock and keypad. This will be an alarm that will go off if I open the door without the code. This is my last stop before I leave.

Diverting from the medical closet, I walk to the bunk area. I look at different lockers and find clothes that look like they could fit me. I look at another locker, where I find some toiletries. The showers look glorious at this moment, but I know my arm will burn in pain. Sucking it up, I step under the warm water. Washing the smoke and dirt from my achy body, I feel renewed. I carefully cleaned my burn wound. Groaning in pain and gritting my teeth, I rinse off completely and dry myself. Putting on a random person’s clothes, I go back to the lockers. Looking at all the different cell phones that are stashed away, I finally find one that is not locked. I pull up links to the news and look at what’s going on. I see a few articles and one catches my eye.

“My contact came through,” I whisper, looking at the article.

I slip the phone into my pocket and grab a bag with some clothes. I head for the medical supply closet, stopping on the way at an equipment room and grabbing an axe. Finally arriving at the medical supply closet, I swing as hard as I can, busting the lock and pad. The door creaks open and I nudge it wider with my foot. Dropping the axe, I step in and search for the medicine, ointments, and bandages. Carefully applying the ointment and bandages is painful but necessary. It’s not always the burns that kill people. It’s the infection that can set in the open wound after the fact.

I take some mild painkillers and stuff my bag with more medical supplies I’ll need or may want, hustling out of the building and ducking out by the dumpsters to avoid any of the cameras. I’m exhausted, but I push myself to keep going. Coming upon a motel, I grab a room. The wallets I took will help a bit for the night, but I’ll leave everything except the cash. I need to sleep for a few hours before I travel any farther. It’s a small run-down hotel no one will think twice about. I am walking to the room when I see a delivery man handing off some food. Hearing “thank you” is all it takes for me to know that it is my devil. My heart fills with joy that I’ve found her.

Let’s play, why don’t we?

I wait until the door closes before I walk into my room. It is a dingy room, but I don’t give a shit. I drop the bag and fall face-first onto the bed. Lights out. I’m down for the count. I woke up a few hours later, covered in sweat. The voices in my head pull me from peace and my lungs burn from coughing. I need air. No matter where or what, those demons haunt my reality.

Walking outside, I see a car parked in front of their door and I swear to all that is holy… my inner evil laugh almost escapes. Running back into my room, I pull every drawer open. Searching for anything. Grabbing the bags, I dig through and find a Sharpie marker. Walking to the car with the Sharpie in my hand is such peace. Opening the door and placing it in the cup holder, I know Kevin will pick up that I am still here.
