Page 71 of Adam

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I almost skip away joyously. “Going to go fuck with some minds,” I quietly sing to myself. I feel like a giddy child. Reese unknowingly has unlocked the psycho side of me.

I pull at different car doors, trying to see if one will open. By the third car, the door opens and I slip in. Knocking the panel off under the steering wheel, I pull wires down to jump-start the car. I sit and wait for these two, but not for long. She is panicking and Kevin is trudging along. Neither’s energy matches the other.

They speed off on a fret and I know the game has just begun. I follow behind carefully, wondering where they are going. They take the exit just before they reach the city and it’s the one for the airport. Airport. They are going to the airport. I continue to the city to track down my contact. He thought he had been so careful to hide his identity, but I slowly figured him out.

I stop a block away from the York building and grab my leftover bags to make my way through the mass of people. Standing by the fence line, I am watching the construction crew work clearing pieces of debris and setting up safety pillars and scaffoldings. I see the foreman called for lunch and the men disburse. I grin. My contact thinks I don’t know who he is. He is a master behind the computer, but I am a master of disguise. The number of times I followed the person who delivered his messages and saw that construction worker sitting there waiting, tapping away on his tablet. Construction is a suitable cover. That was massively impressive. After I killed Greg, I was sitting in the coffee shop observing the police investigation. I watched how this construction worker saved my ass, tapping away on his tablet, all the while flirting with the cute barista. Lizzie was adorable and would be perfect for him. He was so focused on the task, and the barista, that He didn’t notice the “bookworm” hiding in the corner.

I look around and see a young boy in the crowd. I shake my head, this little shit should be in school, but he’s standing here looking at this destruction.

I whistle over to him. “Hey, kid.” I nod. He carefully walks over, looking around. “Want to make some money?”

He gives me a side-eye and I laugh.

“Here is twenty dollars.”

“What do you want?” He stares at the bill.

“First, do you have a box or envelope?” He shakes his head. “Paper?” He nods and pulls a binder from his bag and hands me a few ripped-up pieces of paper. I jot a note and pull a small key chain from my pocket. Pulling the small key away from the chain, I wrap it up in the paper with a note. “Go up to that man and ask him if he is Old MacDonald. Now, he may tell you can’t go past the gate, but…” I hand him more cash. “If he tells you he is Old MacDonald, tell him that the pig is out of the pen and hand him this package,”

The boy grabs the bills and small package excitedly and runs through the gate. I turn and walk away. I get in the car and drive to my bank. Walking in, I show one of my fake IDs and they guide me to the safety deposit room. They help me access my box and leave me to my privacy. I stand looking down at the contents of my former self. Stacks of money and a few keepsakes from before my deployment. All of this was a reminder that I was human at one point. I shut this part of me down, never believing that I would come back. Yet, here I am, facing that childish man of the past. I dump the money and contents from the box and quickly head out.

The airport is bustling with travelers and I am a little surprised that Reese would take a flight before trying to go under the radar. Switching up tactics before she goes underground. Could be a smart move… Her movements this morning showed me she is still afraid there may be more danger out there, and she is right… I didn’t die.

Since I gave my only locker key to my contact, I have to pick this lock. I fill the locker up and leave one more note for him. I see a group of flight attendants walking through the airport and I decide to follow them. A tiny flight attendant turns her head to look at me. Her eyes look me up and down, taking all of me in. I am still wearing my firefighter shirt and have a sweater draped over my burned arm to hide the scarred piece of flesh. When her eyes finally reach mine, I smile and wink at her. She licks her ruby-red lips and turns back with a blush. She is cute, but sorry baby, this kind of crazy belongs to someone else.

My phone chimes with a message: “MacDonald’s pig is back in their pen. Safe travels.”

I dip into a store and watch the attendants enter an employee lounge area. I watch a few more attendants and pilots enter and exit before I slip in. Trying to give my contact some more time to make sure I am good to go. I walk up to the service desk and introduce myself. I explain that I have lost my luggage containing my pilot’s uniform and credentials. They search their system and smile.

“Mr. MacDonald, welcome aboard! You can find a spare pilot’s uniform in the employee locker room. Here is a temporary swipe card. Please contact the main office when you land for a new official badge. Enjoy your flight and thank you for your service!”

I grab my badge and nod. Quickly walking through to the employee locker room to get changed. I look at myself in the mirror and smile a bit. I haven’t dressed up as a pilot before, but I look good in a uniform. Placing the hat on my head, I walk to the terminal. Halfway through, I spot a coffee shop and smile. There, sitting in the food display case, a perfect chocolate chip croissant. My happy ass couldn’t resist. I purchased two of the doughy, buttery, sweet confections, eating one on the way. I spot Reese and Kevin sitting and looking miserable. Letting a chuckle escape under my breath and continue on the plane. Smiling, I introduce myself to the crew and take a seat in the cabin, waiting for takeoff.

When we get to cruising altitude, I stand to go use the bathroom. Peeking behind the curtain, I spot where she is sitting. The attendant with the red lips startles me.

“Hi!” she says, her lustful eyes filling with desperation.

“Hey!” I match her tone. “Can you do me a favor?”

She nods her head. “Anything.”

“My fiancé is on board,” I point to Reese. “She is a flight attendant on another airline and she is trying to surprise me this week. I am turning the tables on her. She doesn’t know I am here, but I couldn’t resist buying her favorite food.” I hold the box up. “Could you give it to her and just tell her you don’t know who bought it?”

She looks slightly deflated but agrees to help. I watch her walk away and hand the box to Reese. Reese’s movements are slow and cautious. I want so badly to show myself. I want her to stand in front of me as I taste her sweet coffee flavor. I want to see those green psycho eyes and hear her constricting breaths as she screams my name, my real name. My fingers tap at my burn to remind me… Not just yet. You have work to do.

Her head shoots up and she looks around. That’s right baby, I am still here. I will follow you. Will you find me?




The entire plane ride was fucking torture.

I watched Reese, confused and on edge. Kevin just looked annoyed… so annoyed with it all. I smirk at him, holding the Sharpie in his hands. As much as I like the dude, it’s his devil of a sister that grabs my attention. I want to soothe her worries, calm her storms, lick those sweet coffee lips and taste her… all of her. My fingers tap at my thigh, trying to calm my heated thoughts. Wanting to hear her say my name again. Hearing my name come from the lips of such a volatile human causes my dick to swell in excitement. I close my eyes and imagine the way she will moan. I snap my eyes open and wipe the beads of sweat from my brow.

When the plane lands, I am the first to leave. The aircraft resembles a coffin, and the air is being sucked out like a vacuum. Women are elbowing me to move ahead down the tunnel. Men are huffing because they are carrying said women’s luggage, and children are crying or screaming. The sounds of this chaos differ from the chaos that fills my head. People crowd around me, trying to find the signs telling them where to collect the rest of their luggage. As I turn to look over my shoulder, my eyes immediately find hers. Her expression morphs from worry to relief, then… her small body attempts to fight through the crowd.
