Page 89 of Adam

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Make sure when they land, a stretch limo is ready to take them home. Drinks and snacks stocked. I text.

Understood, pig, understood. Are you OK? he texts back.

I stare at the text for a moment before putting my phone away. Am I okay? My contact is book smart and street savvy. I can’t even respond.

I continue to sit and watch this family. How lucky are they to be together. I can see how much love they have for each other, even though they look like they would like to push each other in front of a bus.

A bus… Allison would look nice as car art. That’s a thought.

The attendant announces their departure, and the family walks away. The little girl looks over her mother’s shoulder at me, and I wave. Good luck, little speed bump.

I turn my head and watch a few flights take off and land. Continuous turnover and worldly travelers. People from all walks of life pass through. They look around, not knowing where the other person is going.

My phone chimes with another text from my contact.

Another flight to London in 3 hours. You are on it. I’ll keep you updated. He texts.

I grab my bags to make my way to the new boarding gate. I will run through this world to find a sense of it. Any of it. This rich bitch has hooked me and is dragging me behind her, laughing at me. It’s time to change her narrative.




The moment I walked away from the graveyard was only the start of my undoing. Blinded and broken by the one that was made for me. How could God be so cruel to create and then take something so perfect away?

At night I beg for him to take me instead. Trade my soul so she would be alive. On my knees, hands folded, tears falling, my silent screams of injustice.

I was the one who was ready for death. Accepting my fate until she breathed life into my body. She was the one that made me smile… and laugh again. Now—I’d give anything to feel her skin against mine. Her tender touch, after submitting to a still stance, allowed me to push through the crowded mess in my head and grasp the future she presented. The way she said my goddamn name. “Adam.”

“I forgive you for going rogue to end this mess,” I whisper. Barely audible. Speaking into the space before me.

I am once again alone in this world, left with voices in my head. The unwanted guests.

When the notification chimed from my contact, it beckoned me to stand and sprint to the ends of the earth to find that witch. Allison became a needle in the haystack that I am dying to find. Hours become days which turn into weeks. Weeks tease with a sighting that shifts into months.

In Dubai, I thought I had her. Followed this woman for blocks. She had ducked into the market and was shifting her way from stand to stand. Nodding to the sellers who all bargain for her business.

I waited until she walked away from buying spices and crept up slowly. She had been looking down into her purse when I took the opportunity and grabbed her from behind, shoving her down a hole between the tents. I watched her fall head over heels with all her belongings sprawling out around. She fumbled around before the cover for her hair and sunglasses fell.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” the woman screamed.

The voice did not match Allison’s. I stared at the look-alike, disgusted. Her eyes widened, recognizing me. She had seen me before. How?

“Who am I to you?” I asked.

She hesitated and looked around. Gulping hard as she pulled her cover back over her hair.

“Who the fuck am I to you?” I asked again.

“This is not the acting job I signed up for.” She shook her head. “I am all for improv, but they did not mention physical violence in the ad.”

Acting? Acting? What ad?

“Answer me!” I demanded. She, fortunately, or unfortunately, has no clue about the destruction I am capable of.

“They showed me a picture of you. If you contacted any of us, then I was to report back to the talent agency. Letting them know about our scene. The company I work for hired me to pretend to be a wealthy woman. Paid me and told me what to wear. Gave me this woman’s picture and said for me to look as much like her as I could,” The woman showed me the phone. It’s a picture of Allison. I look back and forth at this actor. “This was an acting job. They said secret cameras were around and I was to play the part. They said nothing about being manhandled!”
