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“I’ve never had an orgasm like that before.” She sank her fingers into his hair and pulled him down for a deeper kiss.

Chuckling, Paul broke the kiss first. “There’s plenty more in store for you. I plan on having you in a state of bliss for a long time, honey.”

“That sounds like a promise.”

“It is.”

Running his hand down her body, Paul slid a finger through her slit. She was soaking wet. Her orgasm had drenched her pussy. If he was to take her, he didn’t imagine there would be much pain.

“Thank you for this,” she said, catching his attention.

“What’s that?”

“For doing this with me. I know you love Mitch and would never do anything to hurt him.”

Pressing a finger to her lips, Paul silenced her. He couldn’t think about his friend right now. His cock was hard and waiting for release. Thinking about her brother and the precarious position he’d put himself in scared him. Walking away from Rachel was never going to happen. He accepted that.

“This is something more now, you get that, right?” he asked, cupping her check.

She nibbled her lip. The action reminded him of when they were younger and she was going to get into trouble over something. After a few seconds she shrugged her shoulders.

“I mean it. This is more than me teaching you about sex, okay?”

“Really? You want more from me?” she asked.

“Rachel Kramer, for a long time I’ve wanted more from you.”

“So it’s not just about the sex anymore?”

“No, it’s not about the sex. You know it’s about a hell of a lot more than that.” Kissing her lips, Paul settled down beside her. He was happy to have gotten their conversation over with.

Chapter Six

Rachel wanted to jump up and down with happiness. Paul’s words were a welcome relief. She truly thought she’d have to fight him every step of the way. Instead he’d admitted to his feelings, and she felt like she could conquer anything with him by her side.

“Please tell me you’re happy?” he asked.

“Of course I’m happy. Why wouldn’t I be?” She pushed him to the floor, leaned over him and landed a kiss to his lips. Rachel tasted herself on his lips. She wasn’t repulsed. Taking another kiss, she moaned, plunging her tongue into his mouth. After all the stories she’d heard about Paul, none of them could match up to the real man.

Was he different with her? She didn’t know the true extent, but recalling the pleasure he’d given her with his tongue sent heat spiralling throughout her body.

“Something is going on in that little mind of yours,” he said, pushing the hair off her face.

“No, nothing is going on.”

“Tell me what you’re thinking then. I usually can tell, but at the moment I’m a little out of sorts.” He twirled her hair around his finger, reeling her in.

“I’m thinking that was amazing and well worth the wait,” she said, smiling. Rubbing her nose against his, she thought through her emotions for the best way to describe them to him. “I feel like my body is humming, and all I want to do is giggle. I feel fantastic.”

“That’s just the beginning, sweetheart.” He chuckled kissing the top of her head. “You’re a woman who’s been well satisfied.”

“Not nearly satisfied. I’ve done sex-ed, Paul. Shouldn’t there be actual sex for me to be well satisfied?” She teased him hoping for a response. He grabbed her around the waist, took her to the floor and started tickling her. The easy way they were reminded Rachel of them growing up. Paul had always been there for her in some way or another. Unlike her brother, Paul never seemed to get bored of her company. He was always happy to help her with homework and listen to her. Thinking back over their time together, Rachel realised Paul had been part of her life a lot more than Mitch ever had.

Her brother put up with her whereas Paul liked having her around.

“I see the cogs working. What are you thinking now?”

“Nothing.” The word came out with a squeak. Clearing her throat she repeated herself again.

With Paul straddling her waist, Rachel felt wonderful. The natural way they fit together, body to body, wasn’t lost on her. Feeling Paul next to her helped to relax her. He felt like home, and his smell comforted her in ways she hadn’t been comforted since her parents passed.

His cock lay on top of her stomach. The length was long and thick. Paul hadn’t taken any kind of release.

“I want to touch you,” she said, reaching out to do just that. Paul caught her hand, stopping her.

“You don’t have to do that, baby. Tonight is about you.” He pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

“But I want to touch you,” she said, pouting.

“You’re not ready for that.” He kept hold of her hands even though she fought to be free.

“I want to give you pleasure. You’re not playing fair. You can hold me, but I can’t touch you?” She tried to pull her hands out of his grasp, but he held them steady between his. The only way her hands were coming free was if he released her. Letting out an impatient sigh, Rachel glared at him.

“Of course you can hold me, Rachel. I’d never stop you holding or touching me.”

“You’re stopping me from touching your penis.”

Heat suffused her cheeks. No, she didn’t just call his member a penis.

Paul started laughing. With his laughing he let go of her hands. Covering her face, Rachel had never been so embarrassed.

“You’re a pig,” she said, not really meaning the words.

“I’m sorry. It has been a long time since someone has called my dick a penis. I mean, I know it is, but still, it sounded cute coming from your lips.”

She shot him a glare. “I don’t need to be reminded of all the women you’ve taken to your bed.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, baby.”

“What?” she asked. Rachel hadn’t been expecting him to comment.

“I’ve never taken any of the women back to my place. I’ve gone to their place and left when we were done. I’m not one to stick around and chat about it afterwards,” Paul said.

She frowned. Staring up into his dark brown gaze Rachel opened her mouth and then closed it. “You mean to tell me you’ve never taken any woman home, ever?”

He shook his head. “No, you’re the only woman I’ve had in my home.”

That was news to her. She felt touched by the fact he allowed her in his space but no one else.

Shaking her head, she pushed the emotions away.

“That doesn’t stop the fact you’re being unfair. I want to give you pleasure as much as you’ve given me. You’re pushing me away, and I hate that. It’s not fair.” She may be a virgin, but with all the books she’d read giving Paul a hand-job or even a blow-job wouldn’t result in the end of the world. There was nothing bad with using her mouth. She wasn’t asking him to take her there and now. She was asking to give him the same kind of pleasure he’d given her. Paul had used his mouth on her body. Why couldn’t she reciprocate? From the feel of his cock on her stomach, Paul was desperate for a release. She felt his pre-cum smearing her stomach. Paul wanted it, too. He was just being a giant pain in the ass.

“You’re not going to let up until you get what you want, are you?” he asked.
