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“Yes. I’m so wet.”

“We’re doing this tonight, babe. I thought I could wait, but I can’t. I need you. I need to feel your cunt wrapped around my cock.”

She moaned.

“What’s the matter? Are my words startling you?”

Rachel shook her head. “No, I’ve read far worse.”

“You read dirty books?”

“With romantic elements.” She tugged the blouse from her body and let it fall. If she pulled on her hair it would hurt. Paul’s grip was tight on her hair.

“I think you should read one of these books to me.”

“I can lend you one.” She fumbled with her bra.

Paul let her hair go, and she looked at him. He was too busy looking at her chest. “You’ve got such big tits.”

He cupped them in his hand, thumbing her nipples. Paul thrust his cock against the apex of her thighs making her moan.

“We’re dry humping at the moment, babe.”

She nodded, moaning. The denim rubbed against her clit. Rachel felt the contact and moaned as another wave of arousal swamped her.

Her nipples were sensitive to his touch.

“I don’t know about you, but the movie is boring,” he said.

“Yeah, it is. I’m not fussed to watch anymore. I want to do more interesting things.”

Paul chuckled. “Then let’s go somewhere more comfortable.”

She watched as he turned the television off with a remote. Rachel climbed off him and felt foolish without anything covering her.

Before she got a chance to cover herself he picked her up in his arms. Rachel let out a squeal as she was suddenly airborne.

“I’m too heavy.”

“Then stay still and I won’t pull a muscle,” he said, laughing.

She held on to him as he carried her up the stairs to his room. One of his arms supported her back while the other went underneath her knees.

“Oh, and you’re not heavy.”

She felt light in his arms even though she knew she was anything but light. He kicked the door open, and she saw his bed at the far end of the room next to the wall. Paul put her on her feet in his room. He didn’t kick the door shut. Instead he took her lips again. Paul blinded her to anything else apart from his touch.

“You’re not going to shut the door?” she asked when he broke the kiss.

“Nope, I’ve got nothing to worry about, baby.” He tugged his shirt off his body and threw it to the floor. She lapped up his nakedness. His hard chest and thick muscles kept her captivated. She didn’t care about her own nakedness.

He looped a finger in her jeans and pulled her close. Being next to him, skin to skin, felt entirely different. They both gasped. Her nipples hardened, and she stroked the skin of his back. He went to the button of her jeans, teasing it.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked. “Once we get started I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”

She smiled. “I don’t want you to stop, and I’m totally sure of this.”

This was the moment she’d been waiting for.


Paul waited for her response. He was being truthful, and he ached so damn bad that he didn’t know how in control he could be.

I’m older than her. I should have all the control.

At the moment he wasn’t in control. He was going to be Rachel’s first. There would be more than enough time to explore other things. Tonight should be all about her.

“Forget what I just said, Rachel. I’ll stop if you need me to stop. I was being insensitive. You can trust me to treat you right,” he said.

Her smile tugged at his heart strings. Fingering the button of her jeans Paul waited.

“I want to feel you, Paul. I want to be you’re woman in every sense of the word. I trust you to make everything perfect.” She kissed his lips.

He opened the button of her jeans and went to his knees before her. They’d been naked in front of each other a couple of times, but this time felt more intimate than other times. She stepped out of the jeans, and next he was taking her panties along with him. His fingers skimmed up her thighs until he stood before her. Both of his hands sank into her hair, pulling her in closer for a kiss.

After he thoroughly kissed her Paul took a step back.

“It’s your turn to get me naked.” Her gaze strayed down to his jeans. From the look in her eyes Paul imagined she was threatened by what lay underneath. Paul knew he was a well-endowed male, and taking a quick glance down he saw his cock was outlined through the denim. He was so turned on. There was nothing he could do to stop his reaction to her. “I won’t bite.” Paul tried to be reassuring.

She snorted then reached out to rid him of his jeans. Her actions were not as smooth as his were when he removed the jeans from her, but she got him out of them without risking his life. The last of their clothes were thrown to floor, and they stood staring at each other. Both of them were naked with no barriers at all between them. Their love was out in the open. Nothing lay between them, no clothing or fear.

“Come here, Rachel.” Paul ordered her by his side. She took the small step that brought her closer to him. Her gaze strayed from his eyes going lower to where his cock stood straight out. Rachel looked fascinated rather than scared. When he was around her his shaft seemed to have a mind of its own.

Paul took her by the waist and brought her flush next to his body. The only gap between them was created by his large length.

Rachel gasped as he cupped her breasts in each hand. Her tits filled each of his hands nicely. Thumbing the nipples Paul wished he had a mirror to be able to watch her reactions to him. Her moans were driving him crazy.

“I’m going to buy a mirror so I can watch you. I know you’ll look sexy and beautiful when you come. Your tits are so lovely and large. I can’t wait to get your nipples in my mouth and to watch as they hang over me as you ride me. And you will be riding me, Rachel. I want you straddling my cock and screwing me like I’m going to screw you.” He rubbed her nipples between his thumb and finger. “You’re nipples are rock hard begging for my touch. Your body is an instrument of pleasure, Rachel. Your body speaks to me in ways your mind will never be able to, just like mine.” Paul took hold of her hand and placed it around his cock. He loved talking to her about how he felt and what he was going to do to her. “Feel how hard I am for you. How much I want you. You’re a virgin, but you have the power to bring me to my knees.”

She caressed his length the way he’d taught her to.

“You’re so big. How are you going to fit?” she asked.

“I’ll fit, baby. We’re supposed to be together. I’m not going to lie to you, it could hurt at first. I promise to take my time and wait for you to grow accustomed to my cock.” Paul did everything he could think of to reassure her.

“Have you been reading books on how to calm a virgin?”

“No, I don’t need books to tell me how to treat you. Tell me what you want, Rachel.” He kissed her neck. When it came to her, Paul didn’t need any self-help book or guidance. It all came naturally to him. He’d been caring for her for so long it was second nature to him.

“You’re making it hard to think,” she said.

Releasing his hold on her, Paul took her hand away from his body. “How about now?”

He stared at her hair wondering what she would say. Her skin was so smooth. It took every ounce of willpower not to reach out and touch her.
