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“Don’t you want me?” she asked, pouting as he got out of the bath and dried himself.

“I always want you, and you know it.” He gathered another towel and carefully lifted her from the water and slowly dried her. “We have all the time in the world to have sex and make love, and we will when the soreness has gone. It will be much better for both of us.” He would not budge, and in truth she loved the fact he was waiting until she was properly healed to enjoy it.

“You’re amazing.” She giggled as he dried off her feet then covered her mouth. Rachel hadn’t giggled in a long time.

“Still have ticklish feet?” he asked, smiling wickedly.

Rachel refused to answer allowing him to dry her body.

“I’m going to take you home before I go to the garage. I want you to pack some stuff and come live with me.”

That surprised her.

“You want me to come and live with you permanently?” she asked, genuinely shocked.

“Yes, I want you with me, Rachel. It’s not like we’re strangers to each other. We’ve known each other our whole lives. Your brother is my best friend. This is what we both want.”

“Are you sure? This is a huge step, and I understand if you need more time.” She put her jeans on and threw one of his shirts over her head, dressing as fast as she could. Her heart was pounding inside her chest.

Paul caught her to him. “I’ve never been more sure of anything else. I want you living with me. We’ve already wasted enough time as it is. I don’t want to waste any more.”

Moving in was a huge step, one she had only ever imagined, but one she wanted nonetheless.

“Okay, I’ll move in with you. Only if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

She wouldn’t argue with him. Rachel wanted this as well. To some people they would be moving fast, but to her there was no time like the present. They ate breakfast together, and then she climbed into his truck. She would leave her car at his place and spend most of the day packing her stuff. He climbed into the driver’s side and started the truck up.

On the way to her house she was so happy that she couldn’t imagine anything going wrong.

Once they were there Paul got out of the truck and escorted her to the front door.

“What time will you be picking me up?” she asked, turning into his arms. Paul wrapped his arms around her waist, and she banded hers around his neck.

“How about five? I’ll shut up early, and we could get some takeout and a movie? I doubt you’ll be wanting meatballs again.” Paul smiled down at her.

“No to the meatballs. I’ll teach you some new things to cook. Takeout and a movie sound great. Chinese or fried chicken, I’m happy with either?” She figured they would get to watch the movie this time as Paul clearly wasn’t going to make love to her again.

“Get in the house, Rachel.” The sudden sharp tone of her brother’s voice made both Rachel and Paul jump.

Mitch stood in the doorway of their parents’ house. His arms were folded, and his big brother mode was seriously in force.

“Mitch, when did you get back? You didn’t say you were coming home.” Mitch liked to leave weeks at a time to go out exploring. He would take the barest essentials to survive. Mitch considered it getting in touch with nature, while she considered it boring. Either way she couldn’t stop him from going. If he got bitten by a poisonous snake or eaten by a bear it was going to be his own fault. She’d long gotten tired of worrying about him.

“Last night.” Mitch glared at Paul.

“Well, you could have told me.”

Mitch wasn’t looking at her.

“I was hoping to surprise you. Now, get in the house like I told you.” Mitch was on the edge, and she saw it. His anger radiated out of him.

“Look, Mitch—”

“Now!” He yelled the word, making her jump.

“Whoa, Mitch, don’t talk to—” Paul stepped between her and her brother.

“I’ll get to you in a minute.”

“I’m not a-fucking-fraid of you. Back off, and stop yelling at her.” Paul wouldn’t back down.

“Paul, leave it be.” She tugged on his arm trying to gain his attention.


Paul understood and accepted why Mitch was angry. He saw no use in Mitch shouting at his sister.

“Are you going to tell me how to talk to my sister?” Mitch asked.

“No, I’m telling you not to shout at the woman I love.” He saw the surprise flash across his friend’s face. Turning to Rachel, he cupped her cheek and kissed her deeply. He saw no use in hiding his affection. His love for her was pure, and Mitch needed to see that. “I’ll see you at five.”

She kissed him back and made her way around her brother.

The door closed behind her leaving him alone with Mitch. They both glared at each other. Neither of them was backing down.

“I warned you, Paul. Why did you have to wait until I was gone? I knew you cared about her, but you promised to give her time.” The anger didn’t surprise Paul, but the hurt he saw in Mitch’s face did.

“I didn’t realise I had to wait for you permission to love her. Rachel was never going to be ready in your eyes. She’s twenty-one years old. We’re adults, Mitch. I own my fucking garage, and I’ve got everything going for me. You and I both know I’m good for her. I always have been.”

“I leave for a couple of weeks and you’re in her pants. I trusted you to keep her safe—” Mitch clearly wasn’t listening to him.

“And I have kept her safe. For as long as I can remember I’ve kept her safe. I’ve looked out for her, protected her, and been there for her when she needed it most and you were gone.”

“And when my back is turned you fuck her.” Mitch yelled at him.

“Don’t, Mitch, don’t you dare say that. It’s not like that for her.” Paul warned Mitch out of respect. If it had been anyone else they would be flat on the floor by now.

“Why not? It’s what you do. Fuck women and then leave them.”

“I love Rachel. I always have, and I’m going to marry her.” Paul told him the truth hoping to cool the guy down.

“You don’t know how to love.”

Now that hurt.

“I know how to love you, bastard. You’re my best friend, and you’re only causing a problem because you weren’t here. She’s an adult. Get over it. You’re her brother, not her father.” Paul felt his anger spike. The guy was being intentionally insulting.

“Rachel can do better than you.” The words were said between gritted teeth. Paul saw the lies in them.

What was going on?

Mitch was blowing everything out of proportion.

“I love her, man. She means everything to me, and you’re not going to stop me from loving her.”

“You come near her again, and I will kill you, Paul. Now get the fuck off my property.” Mitch for the first time ever turned his back on Paul.

The door slammed in his face.

For now he’d let it stand. Mitch needed to cool down before Paul dealt with him, and deal with him he would.

Chapter Twelve

Rachel glared at her brother, tears filling her eyes as he berated her on her choice of man.

“Paul is a guy that uses women. How could you be so stupid as to get involved with him?” He was talking down to her like a child.

“He’s your best friend. Do you remember that? The guy you’ve relied upon these last few years, or has all that been forgotten to you?”
