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“I know who he is. You’ve got some school girl ideal going on inside your head.”

“No, I’ve not. You’re just as bad as he is with regards to your reputation. The women talk about you just as much as they talk about him. Don’t try to get the whole high and mighty with me, Mitch Kramer. You’re no fucking saint.” She wasn’t going to stand and take his insults. Rachel couldn’t get the image of Paul looking so angry out of her head. Mitch had shut the door in his face as if he wasn’t his best friend. Paul had then calmly walked to his truck, gotten in, and driven away.

“Not anymore. I knew what he was like, Rachel. He uses women for his own purpose.” Her brother wouldn’t budge. Shaking her head she walked toward the stairs. Paul loved her, and she had faith in his feelings.

“He loves me, and I’m moving in with him. You can hate and get angry. Fucking hell, you can even trash the house, but that doesn’t stop you being my brother. I love you, Mitch, and I’d hate to lose you over something like this.”

“You’re moving in with him?” he asked, shocked.

“Yeah, I’m moving in with him. You better get your anger under control, as otherwise you’re going to lose me. We’ve already lost our parents. Don’t let me lose my brother.” Rachel started off up the stairs. She didn’t want to hear any more of his slanderous insults.

Today was supposed to be one of the most memorable days of her life. Mitch had just destroyed it.

“I can’t accept it.”

She turned to see tears shining in his eyes.

“Then you’re going to lose me because I’m in love. You’re my big brother, and he’s your friend. Think about that before you do anything insane.”

Rachel turned away and headed to her room. Her brother was anything but boring.


Paul slammed his office door shut cursing loudly. Why was Mitch back? And why was he being a massive pain in the ass? Paul could have broken the news over the phone, telling him how he felt about his sister, breaking it gently. In turn that would have given him time to calm down. Instead Mitch had to see them like that on the front yard.

Mitch must be on a war path.

What Paul didn’t understand was why. He wasn’t an awful guy to be dating Mitch’s sister.

He didn’t have a clue about what to do. On the one hand he loved Mitch. He was the brother he never had, and on the other Rachel was the woman he loved. Paul couldn’t give her up either. He feared giving Rachel an ultimatum and making her pick between him and Mitch.

It was nuts, insane, and deeply unfair.

Sitting behind his desk he rested his head in his hands.

Losing either of them wasn’t an option. He needed to understand why Mitch had changed his mind. Paul expected some ribbing from him, but he’d not expected to be shut out. The Kramers had never shut him out before. Mitch slamming that door hurt him deeply. They’d been best friends for a lifetime, and the fact Mitch had closed him off felt like a punch to the gut.

He had no idea what to do.

Smashing glass brought his attention around. Darren wasn’t due in today. Today was for him to check over the cars and organise deliveries for new pieces of equipment.

“What the fuck?” He growled the words while also storming out of his office. Paul hadn’t left the door unlocked. Sometimes he did, but today he didn’t feel in the mood to be interrupted.

He raced towards the sound and stopped dead as he saw Mitch cupping a bleeding fist. There was a hole through his shop window.

“Mitch, what the fuck?” Paul yelled walking toward him. He hadn’t expected Mitch to come searching for him.

“You son of a bitch, since when have you started locking the shop?” Mitch asked, getting ready to throw a punch. Paul wasn’t in the mood.

“I’ve been closing it because I didn’t want to have to deal with my pain in the ass friend.” Glancing at the damage, Paul cursed. “You’re going to pay for that.” Paul pointed to the smashed window.

“Consider it bought for screwing with my little sister.” Mitch didn’t hit him even though his hand was fisted, ready to land a blow.

Paul had enough of listening to Mitch talking shit about Rachel. Landing a punch to Mitch’s stomach, he didn’t get any satisfaction in the connection of flesh on flesh.

“I don’t talk about your sister like that. Rachel is worth more than this shit. You of all people should know I bought this shit-hole and made a living for myself in order to take care of Rachel. I’ve been in love with her for a long time, Mitch.” Paul threw his hands up in the air exasperated.

“You never said anything,” Mitch said, finally talking sense.

“You decided no one was worthy of Rachel. I’ve been worthy of her for a long time.”

“You screw everything that walks.”

Paul shook his head. “Not anymore. I love her, Mitch. I can make her happy.”

Mitch paused looking at him for several seconds before speaking. “You were only supposed to take care of her.”

“And I did. I cannot help the fact that I love her. She means everything to me, you know that.” Paul grabbed a clean cloth and handed it to him. Mitch took the cloth from him without snatching. Paul figured he was finally getting through to his friend.

“She’s told me to deal with it. Either accept you in her life or lose her. We lost our parents, Paul. I don’t want to lose my sister. She’s all I’ve got left.” Mitch forced the words out between clenched teeth.

“You’ll never lose her. I’m not taking Rachel away. We’re staying here, and we’ll never leave you.” Paul was adamant he wasn’t leaving town or the country. This was his home. His parents lived a couple of miles from the home, and he liked working in the garage. The emotion on Mitch’s face shocked him. Tears shone in his eyes, and Paul figured it had more to do with fear than the cut on his hand.

“She’s all I’ve got left,” Mitch said.

Paul opened his arms. “You’ve got me. You’re always gone on your adventure trips, Mitch. Don’t you think it’s about time you let her live? I’m not interested in going away in a tent. You can go, and we’ll always be here when you get back.”

“She’s growing up, isn’t she?” Mitch asked. All the fight left his friend.

“Was that you’re main concern, her leaving you?”

“I’m a horrid brother. I leave for weeks at a time, but she’s still my sister. And I love her. I want the best for her.”

“I’m the best for her, and deep down you know that. You’ve always known that. I’ve wasted a lot of time. I’m not wasting any more. If you accept me in your life, come back for a coffee, and I’ll take you to get your hand sorted. If not, then go home and do whatever the hell you like. I’m done fighting you.” Paul turned away and went back to his office.

He wouldn’t argue with Mitch. Paul refused to. Mitch would just have to accept his feelings for Rachel and that he was going to be a permanent fixture in her life.

Chapter Thirteen

Rachel hid at the local diner. Her head was down with thoughts running through her head. She kept her tears at bay even though she wanted to sob until there was nothing left. Mitch was the only family she had left. Why did he have to be so difficult?
